Computation Structures Computer Architecture

Computation Structures 2: Computer Architecture in Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Staff Last updated Sun, 06-Mar-2022 English

Computation Structures Computer Architecture free videos and free material uploaded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Instruction Set Architectures: datapaths and FSMs, programmable datapaths, the von Neumann model, storage, ALU instructions, constant operands, memory access, branches, jumps.  

Assembly Language: from assembly language to binary, symbols and labels, instruction macros.

Models of Computation: computability, universality, uncomputable functions.

Compilers: interpretation vs. compilation, compiling expressions, compiling statements, compiler frontend, optimization and code generation.

Procedures and Stacks: procedural abstraction, activation records and stacks, stack frame organization, compiling a procedure, stack detective.

Building the Beta: circuit building blocks, ALU instructions, load and store, jumps and branches, exceptions.

The Memory Hierarchy: memory technologies, hierarchical memory systems, the locality principle and caching, direct-mapped caches, block size, cache conflicts, associative caches, write strategies.

Labs: simple assembly programming, Quicksort procedure, designing the 32-bit Beta processor.

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Digital systems are at the heart of the information age in which we live, allowing us to store, communicate and manipulate information quickly and reliably. This computer science course is a bottom-up exploration of the abstractions, principles, and techniques used in the design of digital and computer systems. If you have a rudimentary knowledge of electricity and some exposure to programming, roll up your sleeves, join in and design a computer system!

This is Part 2 of a 3-part series on digital systems, teaching the fundamentals of computer architecture and is based on a course offered by the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Topics include instruction set architectures and assembly language, stacks and procedures, 32-bit computer architecture, the memory hierarchy, and caches.

Using your browser for design entry and simulation, you’ll implement a 32-bit computer using our gate library and write assembly language programs to explore the hardware/software interface.

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