- What is Python..?
- A Brief history of Python
- Why Should I learn Python..?
- Installing Python
- How to execute Python program
- Write your first program/li>
Variables & Data Types
- Variables
- Numbers
- String
- Lists ,Tuples & Dictionary
Conditional Statements & Loops
- if...statement
- if...else statement
- elif...statement
- The while...Loop
- The for....Loop
Control Statements
- continue statement
- break statement
- pass statement
- Define function
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built-in functions
Modules & Packages
- Modules
- How to import a module...?
- Command line arguments
- Packages
- Creating custom packages
Classes & Objects
- Introduction about classes & objects
- Creating a class & object
- Inheritance
- Methods Overriding
- Data hiding
Files & Directories
- Writing data to a file
- Reading data from a file
- Working with csv file
- The os module
- Working with files and directories
Introduction to Splite database
- Overview
- Create Database
- Create Table
- Drop Table
- Insert query
- Select query
- Delete and Update query
- WHERE, AND & OR Clause
GUI Programming with Tkinter
- Introduction
- Saying Hello with Labels
- Buttons
- Message Widget
- Entry Widget
- Dialogs
- Radiobutton and Checkboxes
- Creating Menus
- Events and Binds
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