Cracking Coding and System Design

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Created by Logicmojo Tranining Institute Staff Last updated Sun, 10-Apr-2022 English

Cracking Coding and System Design free videos and free material uploaded by Logicmojo Tranining Institute Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Array Problems solving techinques with examples

Level 1:Basic introduction&Implementation

Time Complexity analysis using Big O Notation

Space Complexity analysis using Big O Notation

Techniques to find time & space complexity

Array overview & introduction

Searching algorithms Introduction & Implementation

Binary search algorithm, implementation with examples

Searching max value in ordering array & rotational array using binary search

Sorting Algorithms & Implementation

Find Inversion array & median of two array using merge sort

Shuffling array element by segregate 0’s,1’s & 2’s with moving 0’s to end

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on binary search algorithms

Assignments based on Array basic computation

Level 2:Medium Difficulty Level

Linear time approach to find next smallest palindrome & next greater number in array

Minimum Window Substring & two pointers techniques

Distinct window substring & remove duplicates from order, un-ordered strings

Quick sort approach for maximum Sum Subarray, Kth smallest element in an array

Xor techniques to find one & two unique element in an array

Trapping Rain Water, Rearrange array for max( arr[i] - arr[j])

Design array data structures with O(1) operations

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on sorting algorithms

Assignments based on merge sort efficient algorithms techniques

Assignments based on Array medium level difficultly problems

Level 3:Advanced Difficulty Level

Techniques to solve matrix related problems(2-D array)

Spiral order traversal, Diagonal Order Matrix, 90 degree matrix rotation etc

Array Puzzle problem(Celebrity problem, stock buy sell, distributed candy etc)

Compute Sqrt(x) using binary search

Array computation to check rectangle Overlap & jump game problem

Counting sort approach & problems

Search efficiently in 2-D array

Problem based on geometrical computational array

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on 2-D array(matrix) advanced Problems

Assignments based on Puzzles based on array

Assignments based on geometrical array computations

Binary Tree Tutorial

Level 1:Basic introduction& implementation

Foundations, Binary tree concepts & creation

Making a tree node class, Explanation & Implementation of Binary Tree & BST

Binary Tree traversal (InOrder, Pre and Post Order using recursion)

Understanding time & space complexity in Binary Tree

Basic computation of Lowest Common Ancestor, leave node, cousin node etc

PreOrder, InOrder traversal without recursion

Conversion BT to BST, BT to Doubly LinkedList

Deletion in Binary Search Tree( one node, two node , leaf node etc)

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on basic binary tree traversal algorithms

Assignments based on conversion binary tree to other data structures

Assignments based on node computation logic

Level 2:medium difficulty level

Techniques to solve distance problem in Binary tree

K distance from root, all nodes k distance, k distance from leaf etc

Minimum distance node, right node at distance etc.

Traverse Binary tree left view, right view, bottom view & Top View etc

Traverse Binary Tree Level Order,Reverse Level Order, spiral order etc

Techniques to solve BST based Problems

kth largest element BST, height balanced BST, largest subtree in BST etc

Boundary traversal, Diameter of a Binary Tree etc

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on distance traversal logic in Binary Tree

Assignments based on BST(Binary search tree)

Assignments based on boundary traversal of Tree

level 3:Advanced concepts & implementations

N-ary Tree Introduction & Implementation

Mirror image problems of BT & N-ary Tree

Problems based on path in Binary Tree

Maximum sum of leaf to root path, Maximum Path Sum(any node), convert BT to sumTree etc

Serialise and Deserialise BT, Find largest Subtree etc

Construct Binary tree from PostOrder & InOrder sequences

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on Sumtree & path traversal logic in tree

Assignments based on subtree computations & Mirror image

Advanced level problems assignments

Linked list

level 1:Basic introduction & Implementation

Linked List Introduction & Implementation

Linked List Operations: Traverse, Insert and Delete

Doubly Linked List Introduction, Implementation & Operations

LinkedList arrangement & Traversal Problems

N’th node from the end, reverse a linked list, intersection point of Liked Lists etc

Palindrome linked list

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on LinkedList basic traversal

Assignments based on DoublyLinkedList basic traversal

Specific node computation in LinkedList

level 2:medium difficulty level

Clone a Linked List

Merge two Sorted Linked List

Linked List addition

Segregate Linked List into Even and Odd

Segregate Linked List into Even and Odd

Assignments based on Merge operation of LinkedList

Geometrical computation in LinkedList

Problems based on medium difficulties

level 3:Advanced concepts & implementations

Implement merge sort in linked list

Flatten a multilevel doubly linked list

Design & Implement Least recently used (LRU)

Reverse LinkedList nodes in k-group

Rearrange a given linked list in-place

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on in-place k nodes reverse logic

Advanced problems of multilevel Doubly LinkedList

Problems based on arrangement of LinkedList

Stack/Queue implementation & problems

Level 1:Basic Introduction & implementation 

Stack: What is stack & how are stacks data structures used?

Application & Implementation of stack

Queue: What is Queue & how are Queue data structures used?

Application & Implementation of Queue

Introduction & Implementation of Circular Queue

Use stack to find next greater element in array

Valid parenthesis

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Assignments based on basic stack LIFO operation

Assignments based on basic queue FIFO operation

Level 2:medium Difficulty Level

Design Stack that Supports findMinimum() in O(1)

Sliding Window Problem using queue Data Structure efficiently

Use stack to solve application of Histogram problem

Use stack to solve efficiently reverse word in string

Find Maximum size rectangle in binary matrix

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in stack

Backtracking algorithm explaination with example

Level 1:Introduction & Implemenatation

Recursion is base of Algorithms, how to use it ?

Recursion examples with implementation

How to apply backtracking using recursion

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Basic level difficulty in Backtracking

Level 2:Medium Level complexity

Implement pow(x, n)

Find PowerSet Using Recursion

N Queen Problem

Print all Permutations of a given String

Combinational Sum

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Medium level difficulty in Backtracking

Level 3:Advanced concepts & implementations

Implement pow(x, n)

Find PowerSet Using Recursion

N Queen Problem

Print all Permutations of a given String

Combinational Sum

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Medium level difficulty in Backtracking

Graph algorithm & explanation

level 1:Basic introduction & implementation

Graph Introduction & implementation

Adjacency list implementation & traverse in graph

Directed & Undirected graph introduction & implementation

Depth First Search(DFS) introduction, implementation & Traversal

Breadth First Search(BFS) introduction, implementation & Traversal

Check graph connectivity using DFS

Finding path in Directed Graph using BFS/DFS

Find path in Matrix using DFS approach

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in graph

Practise assignments of graph

Level 2:Medium Difficulty level

Topological sorting concepts and implementation

Package Dependency problem, Alien Dictionary Problem using Topological etc

Find Largest Region Graph, Number of IsLand in matrix etc using BFS graph

Find cycle in Directed/Undirected Graph using DFS

Rotten Orange Problem, Wall Gate Algorithm etc using BFS

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in graph

Practise assignments of graph

level 3:Advanced concepts & implementations

Trie data Structure Introduction, Concepts & Implementation

Trie data structure approach to find word in matrix

Trie data structure approach to implement Autocomplete suggestion problem

Longest Common Prefix string using Trie

Dijkstra Algorithm explanation with example

Snake ladder problem, Phone , Phone Dictionary Problem etc

Jumping Number problem, check graph is tree etc

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in graph

Practise assignments of graph

Hashing/heap sort

Level 1:Basic Introduction & Implementation

What is heap , Min Heap & Max Heap introduction, Approach

Implementation of Min Heap & Max Heap

Basic heap operation , Heapify operation implementation

How hashing Works, Read/Write Operation O(1)

Design and implement LRU

Problems based on anagrams, group anagrams etc using hashing

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in hashing

Practise assignments of heap

Level 3:Advanced Concepts & Implementations

Problems Based on running streams of strings using Hashing

First non-repeating character from stream using hashing

Find Median of running data streams problem using Heap

Four sum problem, convert number to words etc

Merge k sorted arrays, Relative Sorting, Minimum window string etc

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in hashing

Practise assignments of heap

Dynamic programming tips and tricks with examples

level 1:Basic Introduction & implementation

What is Dynamic Programming

How to identify a dynamic Programming problems

How Dynamic programming is better without recursion

Longest Increasing subsequence(LIS) Algorithms

Longest Common Subsequences(LCS), Longest Palindrome

Subsequences(LPS),common substing etc using LIS algorithms

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in DP

Practise assignments of DP

Level 2:Medium Difficulty Level

Fibonacci series DP concepts

Solve nth strair problem,Count Path in a Matrix etc using DP Fibonacci

String based DP problems

String Edit Distance Algorithm,Interleaving Strings, string Partition Palindrome etc

Delete Minimum Character to Make Palindrome

Un-bound Knapsack Problem, KnapSack Problems optimised

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in DP

Practise assignments of DP

Level 3: Advanced Concepts & Implementations

DP problems based on summation concepts

Subset Sum Problem, find Count of Subset Sum,Maximum sum sub sequence

Maximum Sum of Non adjacent Elements,Subset Partition etc

Dynamic Programming puzzled based Problems

Egg Dropping Puzzle, Wildcard Pattern Matching, Coin Change Problem etc

Keystroke Problem,Rod Cutting Algorithm, word break, Weight Job Scheduled etc

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in DP

Practise assignments of DP

System Design and OOPS Design Problems Discussion

Level 1:Basic introduction & implementation

System design Internals & its components

Sharding techniques

Relational Database, SQL-NoSQL , Key Value Store & Document Store (MongoDB)

Backend System techniques for distributed system and CAP theorem

Http Polling, Long Polling , WebSockets, Server Side Events

Design essentials : Latency, Throughput , Load Balancer

Basic System Design problem

Design Tiny URL, Design Pastebin Service

Design Generic Deck of Cards, Design Backjack Card Games

Design Airline Reservation System, Design File system

Design Online Bus booking system(Red Bus), Design Railway Reservation System

Design Streaming Music System, Design Hit Counter, Design parking Lot etc

Design Online Hotel Booking System, Design CDN system etc

Design Event Driven Architecture, Google Docs etc

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in Design

Practise assignments of Design

Level 2:Medium Difficulty Level

Design Facebook NewsFeed

Design youtube/Netflix

Design Uber system , Design Search Engine ( Like Google)

Design BookMyShow , Design Recommend System

Design WhatsApp Chat Service

Design Drop Box/Google Drive, Design Distributed Cache System

Design Garbage Collector System

Design Customs HashMap Implementation Internals

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in Design

Practise assignments of Design

Level 3:Advanced Concepts & Implementations

Design Twitter like social networking service & its tweet search features

Search Functionality of Twitter Platform

Design Zoom Car System

Design Instagram

Design Notification System

Design a two Player Online Chess Game

Design Online Shopping System Like Amazon, Flipkart

Design Amazon Best seller Rank System

Design Stock Exchange System( Zerodha, Upstox )

Design Cricinfo

Design Online Food Ordering System( Swiggy , Zomato)

Object Oriented design of Food Ordering System(Swiggy , Zomato)

Design Gmail

Design API Rate Late Limiter

Design Google Map

Design online Discussion forum (like stackoverflow,quora)

Assignments & Assignments Discussion

Practise assignments of Advanced level difficulty in Design

Practise assignments of Design

Design Patterns

Level 1:Basic & Introduction 

Understanding the classes and object and how to create it

Solid Principles of OOPS

Single-responsibility principle ,Open-closed principle, Dependency Inversion Principle etc

How to apply design pattern for modular scalable code

Level 2 Medium Level Difficulties 

Introduction of design patterns

Creational & structural design pattern

How to use Singleton Design Pattern, Builder Design Pattern etc

How to use Factory Design Pattern, Abstract Factory Design Pattern techniques

How to use Observer design pattern, Strategy Design Pattern, Decorator Design Pattern etc

Multithreading & Synchronization

level 1:Basic & introdyction

What is threads, how to create threads

How to create multiple threads

How to achieve syntonisation using multithreading

What is deadlock, how to avoid deadlock

Level 3 Advanced Concepts & Implementations

Implementation of Creating Deadlock

Implementation of removing deadlock in Multithreaded Environment

Implementation of creating 3 threads and how perform synchrozation

Print sequence of Natural numbers using Three Threads

Implementation of Multi Reader and Writer Problem using Multithreading

Distributed system & Microservice Architecture

Level 2 :Medium Difficult Level

How to choose best architecture for System Design interview problems

Why micro service architectures is better than monolithic architecture

How to design micro-service Architectures, fault tolerance scalable system

Asynchronous communication, Active MQ internals with implementation

How to Handle Cascading failure in System Design Problems, Implementation

Level 3:Advanced Concepts & implementations

System Design Essentials(Service Discovery, Load Balancer, Distributed Tracing and Monitoring) etc

Scalable asynchrnous communication using Kafka System Internals

Concurrency and System failure issues in DB transaction in System Design

Distributed Transaction of backend in Distributed System

What is Docker, what is Cotainer, jenkins, cloud infrastructures

Complete steps of Building and Deploying App in Docker Container Cloud Platform

[New*] Behavior interview Questions/Answers

Level 2:Medium Difficulty Level 

How to showcase soft skills(Teamwork,Leadership skills, Adaptability, DecisionMaking etc) in interview

Amazon 14 Leadership Principal with examples

How you will resolve conflict with team members in project

How you handle situation, when you failed to deliver the project within project estimation timeline

Biggest Technical mistake you have done in your project

Situation when you had solved a very difficult problem in project

Why your CGPA is not high, When you have taken initiative in a project

Time when you have failed to meet customer deadline in project

What is your greatest achievement in a project

Time when you successfully meet the tight deadline of a project

Tell me the time when you regret your decision in a project deliverables

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