D-Lab: Energy by Amy Banzaert and Amit Gandhi via MIT
D-Lab: Energy free videos and free material uploaded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Staff .
Lecture 1. Introduction: Energy, units, estimation, energy usage
Lecture 2. Energy storage & micro
Initial trip planning
Lecture 3. Lighting
Community partner introduction
Lecture 4. Solar thermal & PV
Lecture 5. Wind & micro-hydro
Trip planning
Lecture 6. Cooking, stoves, &
Biogas digester testing
Lecture 7. Trip plan presentations
D-Lab: Energy offers a hands-on, project-based approach that engages students in understanding and addressing the applications of small-scale, sustainable energy technology in developing countries where compact, robust, low-cost systems for generating power are required. Projects may include micro-hydro, solar, or wind turbine generators along with theoretical analysis, design, prototype construction, evaluation and implementation. Students will have the opportunity both to travel to Nicaragua during spring break to identify and implement projects.
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