Data Science Training

Data Science Training by iClass Gyansetu Training Institute Gurgaon

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by iClass Gyansetu staff Last updated Mon, 11-Apr-2022 English

Data Science Training free videos and free material uploaded by iClass Gyansetu staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Machine Learning Introduction

Python Data Analysis Libraries (EDA)

Machine Learning: Data Pre-processing Techniques

Machine Learning: Data Handling (Importing and exporting data from various sources)

Machine Learning: Capstone Project

Machine Learning: Statistical Inference System (Statistics Analysis)

Machine Learning: Dimensionality Reduction (Feature Engineering)

Machine Learning: Supervised Learning : Regression

Machine Learning: Supervised Learning : Classification

Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning : Clustering

Machine Learning: Recommender Systems

Case Study : Design a Recommendation Engine

Machine Learning: Reinforcement Learning

Machine Learning: Text Mining & Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Machine Learning: Word2Vec Analysis

Machine Learning: NLP - POS(Parts-of-Speech Tagging)

Deep Learning (AI) Specialization in Python:

TensorFlow for Deep Learning with MLOps (Installation with Setup)

Manual Creation of Neural Networks (Regression point of view)

Tensor Flow basics

CNN using Tensorflow

RNN using Tensorflow

TensorFlow Miscellaneous

Tensorflow AutoEncoders

Reinforcement Learning with OpenAI gym

GAN – Generative Adversarial Networks

ML Models Deployments (MLOps)

KERAS For Deep Learning with MLOps (Artificial Neural Networks)

Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the ANN

Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)

Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN)

SOM's (Self Organizing Maps)

Deep Learning: Boltzmann Machines

Deep Learning: AutoEncoders

Deep Learning: Classification & Regression Using Deep Learning Models (MLOps)

Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Setting Up Deep Learning Development Environment

Deep Learning: Handwriting Recognition, Simple Object Classification OpenCV

Deep Learning: OpenCV3 Tutorial - Live Sketches, Identify Shapes & Face Detection

Mini-Project#1 - Live Sketch App - Turn our Webcam Feed Into a Pencil Drawing

Deep Learning: Mini Project#2 - Identify Shapes (Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangles & Stars)

Deep Learning: Mini Project#3 - Counting Circles & Ellipses

Deep Learning: MiniProject#4 - Finding Waldo (Quickly Find a Specific Pattern In An Image)

Deep Learning: MiniProject#5 - Car & Pedestrian Detection in Videos

Deep Learning: Neural Networks Explained

Deep Learning: Build CNNs in Python using KERAS - Handwriting Recognition(MNIST)

What CNNs 'see' - Filter Visualizations, Heatmaps & Salience Maps

Data Augmentation : Build a Cats Vs Dogs Classifier

Deep Learning: Types of Optimizers, Learning Rates & Call backs: Build a Fruit Classifier

Deep Learning: Types of Optimizers, Learning Rates & Call backs: Build a Fruit Classifier

Batch Normalization & Build LeNet, AlexNet : Build a Fashion/Clothes Classifier

Deep Learning: ImageNet in KERAS(VGG16/19, InceptionV3, ResNet50) -Advanced Image Classifiers

Deep Learning: Transfer Learning & Fine Tuning : Build a Flower & Monkey Breed Classifier

Deep Learning: Design Our own CNN : LittleVGG : Build a Simpsons Character Classifier

Deep Learning: Advanced Activation Functions & Initializations

Deep Learning: Deep Surveillance: Build a Facial Emotion, Age & Gender Recognition System

Deep Learning: Image Segmentation & Medical Imaging in U-Net : Find Nuclei in Images

Deep Learning: Principles of Object Detection

Deep Learning: Tensorflow Object Detection API

Deep Learning: Object Detection with YOLO & Darkflow : Build a London Underground Sign Detector

Deep Learning: DeepDream & Neural Style Transfers : Make AI Generated Art

Deep Learning: Generative Adverserial Networks (GANs) : Age Faces to 60+ Age with our Age-cGAN

Deep Learning: Face Recognition with VGGFace

Deep Learning: Computer Vision World

Deep Learning: Build a Credit Card Number Reader

Deep Learning: Use Cloud GPUs on PaperSpace

Deep Learning: Creating a Computer Vision API & WebApp Using Flask & AWS

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Deep Science training will build your expertise in both basic & advanced level concepts like writing python scripts, sequence & file operations in python, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Web application development & widely used packages like NumPy, Matplot, Scikit, Pandas & many more. The training will build your skills in real time scenarios related to analytics such as Prediction Analysis, Linear Regression, Image Processing, Audio & Video Analytics, Text Data Processing, IOT and various Machine Learning & Deep Learning Algorithms. 

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1:1 Online Training Fee: 10000 /-
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