DATA SCIENCE USING R PROGRAMMING TRAINING course provide by ducat IT training School

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Created by ducatittrainingschool staff Last updated Fri, 06-May-2022 English

DATA SCIENCE USING R PROGRAMMING TRAINING free videos and free material uploaded by ducatittrainingschool staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?


  • Population and sample
  • Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
  • Statistical data analysis
  • Variables
  • Sample and Population Distributions
  • Interquartile range
  • Central Tendency
  • Normal Distribution
  • Skewness.
  • Boxplot
  • Five Number Summary
  • Standard deviation
  • Standard Error
  • Emperical Formula
  • central limit theorem
  • Estimation
  • Confidence interval
  • Hypothesis testing
  • p-value
  • Scatterplot and correlation coefficient
  • Standard Error
  • Scales of Measurements and Data Types
  • Data Summarization
  • Visual Summarization
  • Numerical Summarization
  • Outliers & Summary

Module 1- Introduction to Data Analytics

  • Objectives:
  • This module introduces you to some of the important keywords in R like Business Intelligence, Business
  • Analytics, Data and Information You can also learn how R can play an important role in solving complex analytical problems
  • This module tells you what is R and how it is used by the giants like Google, Facebook, etc
  • Also, you will learn use of 'R' in the industry, this module also helps you compare R with other software
  • in analytics, install R and its packages
  • Topics:
  • Business Analytics, Data, Information
  • Understanding Business Analytics and R
  • Compare R with other software in analytics
  • Install R
  • Perform basic operations in R using command line

Module 2- Introduction to R programming

  • Starting and quitting R
  • Recording your work
  • Basic features of R.
  • Calculating with R
  • Named storage
  • Functions
  • R is case-sensitive
  • Listing the objects in the workspace
  • Vectors
  • Extracting elements from vectors
  • Vector arithmetic
  • Simple patterned vectors
  • Missing values and other special values
  • Character vectors Factors
  • More on extracting elements from vectors
  • Matrices and arrays
  • Data frames
  • Dates and times
  • NOTE:-
  • Assignments with Datasets

Import and Export data in R

  • Importing data in to R
  • CSV File
  • Excel File
  • Import data from text table
  • Topics
  • Variables in R
  • Scalars
  • Vectors
  • R Matrices
  • List
  • R – Data Frames
  • Using c, Cbind, Rbind, attach and detach functions in R
  • R – Factors
  • R – CSV Files
  • R – Excel File
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion
  • R Nuts and Bolts-:
  • Entering Input. – Evaluation- R Objects- Numbers- Attributes- Creating Vectors- Mixing Objects-
  • Explicit Coercion- Summary- Names- Data Frames

Module 3- Managing Data Frames with the dplyr package

  • The dplyr Package
  • Installing the dplyr package
  • select()
  • filter()
  • arrange()
  • rename()
  • mutate()
  • group_by()
  • %>%
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion

Module 4- Loop Functions

  • Looping on the Command Line
  • lapply()
  • sapply()
  • tapply()
  • apply()
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion

Module 5- Data Manipulation in R Objectives:

  • In this module, we start with a sample of a dirty data set and perform Data Cleaning on it, resulting  in a data set, which is ready for any analysis
  • Thus using and exploring the popular functions required to clean data in R
  • Topics
  • Data sorting
  • Find and remove duplicates record
  • Cleaning data
  • Merging data
  • Statistical Plotting-:
  • Bar charts and dot charts
  • Pie charts
  • Histograms
  • Box plots
  • Scatterplots
  • QQ plots
  • NOTE:-
  • Assignments with Datasets


  • Control Structure Programming with R
  • The for() loop
  • The if() statement
  • The while() loop
  • The repeat loop, and the break and next statements
  • Apply
  • Sapply
  • Lapply
  • NOTE:-
  • Assignments with Datasets


  • Using Factors
  • Manipulating Factors
  • Numeric Factors
  • Creating Factors from Continuous Variables
  • Convert the variables in factors or in others


  • Data Modifying
  • Data Frame Variables
  • Recoding Variables
  • The recode Function
  • Reshaping Data Frames
  • The reshape Package
  • NOTE:-
  • Assignments with Datasets

Module 6- Statistical Learning-:

  • What Is Statistical Learning?
  • Why Estimate f?
  • How Do We Estimate f?
  • The Trade-Off Between Prediction Accuracy and Model Interpretability
  • Supervised Versus Unsupervised Learning
  • Regression Versus Classification Problems
  • Assessing Model Accuracy

Module 7- Basics of Statistics & Linear & Multiple Regression

  • This module touches the base of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics and Probabilities & 'Regression Techniques'
  • Linear and logistic regression is explained from the basics with the examples and it is implemented in R using two case studies dedicated to each type of Regression discussed
  • Assessing the Accuracy of the Coefficient Estimates
  • Assessing the Accuracy of the Model
  • Estimating the Regression Coefficients
  • Some Important Questions
  • Lab: Linear Regression
  • Libraries 
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Interaction Terms
  • Qualitative Predictors
  • Writing Functions
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments with Different Datasets
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion

Module 8- Classification-:

  • An Overview of Classification
  • Why Not Linear Regression?
  • Logistic Regression
  • The Logistic Model
  • Estimating the Regression Coefficients
  • Making Predictions
  • Logistic Regression for >2 Response Classes
  • Lab: Logistic Regression
  • The Stock Market Data
  • Logistic Regression
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments with Different Datasets
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion

Module 9- Variance Inflation Factor-:

  • Introduction
  • Multi colinearity. 
  • How we can detect the multi colinearity
  • Effects of multi colinearity
  • Lab: VIF
  • Applications
  • Reduce the features
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments with Different Datasets
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion
  • Correlation
  • Types of Correlation
  • Properties of Correlation
  • Methods of Calculating Correlation

Module 10- Best Model Selection-:

  • Subset Selection
  • Best Subset Selection
  • Stepwise Selection
  • Choosing the Optimal Model
  • Lab 1: Subset Selection Methods
  • Best Subset Selection
  • Forward and Backward Stepwise Selection
  • Choosing Among Models Using the Validation Set Approach and Cross-Validation
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments with Different Datasets
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion

Module 11- Tree-Based Methods-:

  • The Basics of Decision Trees
  • Regression Trees
  • Classification Trees
  • Trees Versus Linear Models
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Trees
  • Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting
  • Bagging
  • Random Forests
  • Lab: Decision Trees
  • Fitting Classification Trees
  • Fitting Regression Trees 
  • NOTE:-
  • Assignments with Different Datasets
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion

Module 15- Time Series & Forcasting-:

  • Time series
  • Estimating and Eliminating the Deterministic Components if they are present in the Model
  • Estimating and Eliminating Seasonality if it is present in the Model
  • Modeling the Remainder using Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) Models
  • Identify 'order' of the ARMA model
  • 'Forecast' or Predict for Future Values
  • Practise on R
  • NOTE-:
  • Assignments with Different Datasets
  • Business Scenerio/Group Discussion

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0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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