Data Science with R Programming by Inspizone India Pvt Ltd Training Institution Any Where in India
Data Science with R Programming free videos and free material uploaded by Inspizone staff .
History of R Programming
Advantages and disadvantages
Downloading and installing
Using the R console
Learning about the environment
Writing and executing scripts
Object oriented programming
Installing packages
Working directory
Saving your work
Variable Types And Data Structures
Variables and assignment
Data types
Numeric, character, boolean, and factors
Data structures
Vectors, matrices, arrays,
Assigning new values
Viewing data and summaries
Base Graphics System In R
Scatterplots, histograms, barcharts, box and whiskers, dotplots
Labels, legends, titles, axes
Exporting graphics to different formats
General linear regression
Linear and logistic models
Regression plots
Interaction in regression
This r programming course in Singapore forms an ideal package for aspiring data analysts aspiring to build a successful career in analytics/data science. By the end of this training, participants will acquire a 360-degree overview of business analytics and R by mastering concepts like data exploration, data visualization, predictive analytics, etc
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