DC Power Transmission Systems training provided by university of Indian Institute of Technology Madras
DC Power Transmission Systems free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Madras Staff .
Week :1 Choice of Converter Configuration for any Pulse Number
Week :2 Analysis of 6 Pulse Line Commutated Converter
Week :3 Capacitor Commutated Converter
Week :4 12 Pulse Line Commutated Converter
Week :5 Types of DC Link
Week :6 DC Link Control
Week :7 Multi-Terminal DC System – Applications, Types
Week :8 Non-characteristic Harmonics
Week :9 Filters – Design of Single Tuned Filter Week :10 Comparison of AC and DC Transmission – Economics and Technical Performance
This course gives an introduction to the DC power transmission system using the conventional line commutated converters. The topics covered include a detailed analysis of the 6 pulse line commutated converter (LCC), 12 pulse LCC, capacitor commutated converter, DC link control, and design of single tuned filter.
INTENDED AUDIENCE : Interestedstudents PREREQUISITES : Knowledge of electric circuit analysis and power electronic devices INDUSTRY SUPPORT : Nil
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