Dot Net / .NET Training Course

Dot Net / .NET Training Course provide by ducat IT training School

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by ducatittrainingschool staff Last updated Thu, 05-May-2022 English

Dot Net / .NET Training Course free videos and free material uploaded by ducatittrainingschool staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Introduction of Dot Net Framework

  • What is Dot Net?
  • Why Dot Net?
  • Advantages of Dot Net
  • Component of Dot Net
  • What is Framework?
  • Versions of Framework
  • CLR architecture
  • CTS architecture
  • CLS architecture
  • DLR architecture
  • What is JIT?
  • Types of JIT?

Getting Started with Visual Studio

  • Understanding Project and Solution Explorer
  • Creating a Project and Solution
  • Understanding Solution Explorer
  • Comments in C#
  • Debug Project
  • Understanding Execution Process

Assemblies in .Net

  • What is Assembly?
  • Types of Assembly?
  • How to make Private Assembly
  • How to make Shared Assembly
  • What is DLL HALL Problem?
  • What is SN Key?
  • What is GAC?
  • How to Deploy Assembly in Cache
  • What is MSIL?
  • What is DLL & EXE?
  • How make DLL& EXE.
  • Use of Ilasm.exe (IL Assembler) & Use of Ildasm.exe (IL Disassembler)

Object Oriented Programming System (OOPS)

  • What is OOPS?
  • What is Class & Object?
  • Difference b/w Class, struct, interface and enum
  • Types of Variable
  • Static Variable
  • Const Variable
  • Read Only Variable
  • Instance & Static Members
  • Inheritance & Types of Inheritance
  • What is Interface?
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Static Polymorphism
  • Dynamic Polymorphism
  • Concept of Method Overloading
  • Concept of Method Overriding
  • Concept of Early Binding
  • Concept of Late Binding
  • Concept of Up Casting
  • Operator Overloading?
  • What is Constructor?
  • Types of Constructor
  • Default Constructor
  • Parameterized Constructor
  • Copy Constructor
  • Private Constructor
  • Static Constructor
  • Concept of This Keyword in Constructor
  • Concept of Base Keyword in Constructor
  • Concept of Base Keyword in Constructor
  • Abstract Class & Abstract Method
  • Static Class & Static Method
  • Sealed Class & Sealed Method
  • Partial Class & Partial Method
  • Different types of Parameter
  • Input Type
  • Output Type
  • Ref Type
  • Params Type
  • Dynamic Type


Introductions of C#

  • What is C#?
  • Namespaces in C#?
  • Create namespace in C#
  • Data types in C#
  • Value type
  • Reference type
  • Null able type
  • Heap
  • Stack
  • Looping in C#
  • For, While, Dowhile
  • For each
  • Conditional statement
  • Switch case
  • If, if-else, Nested if
  • GoTo
  • Break
  • Continue
  • Convertion Types
  • Implicit {Boxing}
  • Explicit {UnBoxing}


  • What is Array?
  • Types of Array
  • Simple Array
  • Multi Array
  • Jagged Array

File Handling

  • Introductions of File Handing
  • Working with Files and Directories
  • Working with Directories
  • Working with Files Using the File and FileInfo Classes
  • Working with Directories Using the Directories and Directories Info Classes

Exception Handling

  • Introductions of Exception Handling
  • Role of Exception Handling
  • What is Error, bug and exceptions?
  • Try, catch & Finally block
  • System Level & Application Level Exception
  • Handel Multiple Exception
  • Throw Exception

Software Engineering Models and Concept (Project Based)

  • What is Software Development Life Cycle?
  • Phases of a SDLC
  • Project initiation and planning
  • Feasibility study
  • System design
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance


  • Introductions of Collections
  • Types of collections
  • Generic
  • List
  • Dictionary
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Non Generic
  • ArrayList
  • HashTable
  • Stack
  • Queue


  • Introductions of Delegate
  • Types of delegate
  • SingleCast
  • MultiCast
  • Generic delegate


  • Introductions of Events
  • Understanding Events and Event Handler
  • Types of Event
  • System Define Event
  • User Define Event
  • Event Life Cycle
  • Binding Events
  • Working with Event Handler
    • Reflection

      • Introductions of Reflection
      • Reflection Namespace
      • Reflection Classes
      • Access Assembly through Reflection
      • Member Info
      • Method Info
      • Property Info
      • Constructor Info
      • Browsing Members
      • Runtime Information


      • Introductions of Threading
      • Threading Namespace
      • Understanding Thread LifeCycle
      • Default Threading
      • Multi Threading
      • Priority in threading Member Info

      Introductions of Properties

      • set
      • get


      • Define Indexer
      • Advantages of Indexer

      Business Requirement Specification (Project Based)

      • Objective of Project
      • DFD
      • UML Diagram
      • Class Diagram
      • ER Diagram

      The SQL Server Management

      • What is SQL?
      • What is Database?
      • Create Statement
      • Create database
      • Create table
      • Use Identity
      • Select Statement
      • Insert statement
      • Update statement
      • Delete statement
      • Drop statement
      • Truncate statement
      • Difference between delete, drop & truncate
      • Alter Query
      • Clauses
      • Group By
      • Order By
      • Basic Queries
      • Stored Procedure
      • Use Input and Output Type parameter in Stored Procedure
      • Function
      • Types of Functions
      • Trigger
      • Cursor
      • Union & Union All
      • Transaction
      • Joins
      • Indexes
      • Views
      • Constraints
      • Tracing sql query with SqlProfiler

      System Requirement Database Structure (Project Based)

      • Database Table Structure
      • Database Design
      • DDL
      • DML
      • Stored Procedure
      • Database Security

      ADO .NET 10

      • What is ADO.NET?
      • Difference between ADO & ADO.NET?
      • Architecture of ADO.NET
      • Disconnected mode Architecture
      • Using SqlDataAdapter Class
      • Using DataSet Class
      • SqlCommandBuilder Class
      • Connected Mode Architecture
      • Using SqlConnection Class
      • Using SqlCommand Class
      • Using SqlDataReader Class
      • Understanding ExecuteNonQuery method
      • Understanding ExecuteScalar method
      • Uunderstanding ExecuteReader method
      • Working with DataTable class
      • Creating PrimaryKey Column on VirtualTable
      • Using Constraints Class
      • ForeignKeyConstraints Class
      • UniqueConstraints Class
      • Store table in datatable
      • Apply Insert,update,delete operations on VirtualTable
      • Show, next,first,last,all by datatable
      • Executing Stored Procedure
      • Executing Function
      • What is Sql Injection
      • Applying SqlInjection

      ASP.NET 4.6 Framework

      • Asp.Net Introduction
      • Evolution of Web Development
      • ASP .NET different versions
      • Understanding protocol and domain
      • Understanding static & dynamic page
      • Server-side programming
      • Client-side programming
      • HTML and HTML Forms
      • Creating a simple html page
      • Developing ASP.NET Applications
      • Creating Websites
      • Creating a New Web Application
      • Page Life Cycle
      • Understanding Events of Page Life Cycle
      • Websites and Web Projects
      • Adding Web Forms
      • Migrating a Website from a Previous Version
      • Difference b/w inline and code behind concept
      • Asp.Net special directory
      • What is Application Directories
      • Different types of Application Directories
      • Understanding application label and page label variable
      • Need of Global class
      • What is Configuration file?
      • Need of Configuration file
      • Difference b/t app.config & web.con file
      • Nested Configuration
      • State Management
      • Need of state management technique
      • Types of state management
      • Understanding Server side and Client side state management
      • ViewState
      • HiddenField
      • Cookies
      • Cache
      • QueryString
      • Session
      • Session Tracking
      • Session Configuration
      • Session mode
      • Cookieless
      • Session Timeout
      • Session Mode
      • Application
      • Transferring Information between Pages
      • Transferring Information between Cross Pages
      • Web Controls in ASP.Net
      • Types of web controls
      • Server Controls
      • Standard Controls
      • Data Controls
      • Validation Controls
      • Navigation Controls
      • Login Controls
      • Ajax Extensions
      • Ajax ToolKit
      • Html Controls
      • User Controls
      • Data Controls
      • DataList
      • DetailsView
      • FormsView
      • GridView
      • ListView
      • Repeater
      • DataGrid
      • Entity Data Source
      • Object Data Source
      • Linq Data Source
      • Xml Data Source
      • Working with Templates of Data Controls
      • Working with events of Data Controls
      • CSS
      • Understanding CSS
      • Types of CSS
      • Inline CSS
      • Internal CSS
      • External CSS
      • Selectors in CSS
      • Themes & Skins
      • Working with Image gallery
      • Working with ImageSlide
      • Master Page
      • Nested Master Page
      • Page Tracing
      • Mail & Messaging
      • Caching Techniques
      • Understanding Caching
      • Types of Caching
      • Output Caching
      • Data Caching
      • Web Security
      • Need of security
      • Types of security
      • Forms Authentication
      • Windows Authentication
      • Confidentiality with SSL
      • Password Format
      • Types of password format
      • MD5
      • SHA1
      • Clear
      • Performance tuning
      • Ajax
      • Understanding Gmail, Facebook and Twitter API's
      • Deploying ASP.NET Applications
      • ASP.NET Applications and the Web Server
      • How Web Servers Work
      • Understanding Virtual Directory
      • Web Application URLs
      • Web Farms
      • Internet Information Services (IIS)
      • Installing IIS
      • Registering the ASP.NET File Mappings
      • Verifying That ASP.NET Is Correctly Installed
      • Managing Websites with IIS Manager
      • Creating a Virtual Directory
      • Configuring a Virtual Directory
      • Deploying a Simple Site
      • Web Applications and Components
      • Other Configuration Steps
      • Code Compilation
      • Verifying That ASP.NET Is Correctly Installed
      • Deploying a Visual Studio IDE
      • Creating a Virtual Directory for a New Project
      • Copying a Website
      • Publishing a Website
      • Verifying That ASP.NET Is Correctly Installed

      Technical Design & Development (Project Based)

      • Working with Project
      • Programming Language: C# (Asp.Net)
      • Designing Tools
      • HTML
      • Using CSS
      • Using Ajax
      • Using JavaScript


      Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

      • Introduction to LINQ
      • What is LINQ
      • Need of LINQ
      • How LINQ Works
      • Using Linq via Method based and Query based syntax
      • Standard Linq Operators
      • Sorting Data
      • Filtering Data
      • Joining Data
      • Partitioning Data
      • Linq Provider
      • LINQ to Object
      • LINQ to XML
      • LINQ to SQL
      • Understanding Lazy Loading and Eager Loading
      • Difference B/w Lazy and Eager Loading
      • Using Stored Procedure in LINQ
      • Working with Single table Inheritance
      • Using of SQLMetal

      Entity Framework

      • Overview of the Entity Framework
      • Difference b/w Linq to Sql and Entity Framework
      • Using Schema First Approach
      • Using Model First Aproach
      • Using Code First Aproach
      • Using Stored Procedure in Code First Approach
      • Using Sql Profiler with Stored Procedure
      • Creating/Managing one to many and many to one relations
      • Using Table, Column and Key attributes
      • Associations & Foreign Keys

      Software Engineering Models and Concept:

      • What is Software Development Life Cycle?
      • Phases of a SDLC
      • Project initiation and planning
      • Feasibility study
      • System design
      • Coding
      • Testing
      • Implementation
      • Maintenance

      Business Requirement Specification (Project Based)

      • Objective of Project
      • DFD
      • UML Diagram
      • Class Diagram
      • ER Diagram

      System Requirement Database Structure (Project Based)

      • Database Table Structure
      • Database Design
      • DDL
      • DML
      • Stored Procedure
      • Database Security

      WindowsCommunicationFoundation (WCF)

      • IntroductionToWCF
      • What is Distributed Application
      • What is WCF
      • Evaluation of WCF
      • Understanding WCF Architecture
      • WCF comparison with WebServices
      • WCF comparison with Remoting
      • Benefits of WCF Service
      • Understanding WCF Templates
      • WCF Service Library
      • WCF Service Application
      • WCF Workflow Service Application

      Endpoints in WCF

      • What is EndPoint in WCF
      • End points seetings in app. Config & web.config file
      • ServiceMetaData HTTP_Get enabled
      • IMetaDataExchange Contract/Endpoint for Http and Tcp
      • What is Address-Binding-Contract (ABC)


      • What is Address
      • Understanding improtance of address
      • Difference between HTTP & HTTPS address
      • Use of TCP and MSMQ address
      • What is Named Pipe address
      • Understanding IIS address


      • Understanding WCF Bindings
      • Types of bindings
      • Basic Binding
      • Web Binding
      • WS Binding
      • WS Dual Binding
      • TCP Binding
      • IPC Binding
      • MSMQ Binding


      • What is the of contract
      • Types of Contract
      • Service Contract
      • Operation Contract
      • Data Contract
      • Fault Contract
      • Message Contract

      Developing WCF Service Application

      • Hosting WCF Service in llS/ASP.NET Development Server
      • Hosting WCF Service in Managed Application(Self Hosting)
      • Hosting WCF Service in Window Service
      • WCF service durable service
      • Use of WCF service Request-Replay
      • Use of WCF service One-Way
      • Use of WCF Callback service

      Understand WCF Service instancing behavior

      • Single(Singleton)
      • PerCall
      • PerSession

      Understand Concurrency in WCF Service

      • Single
      • Multiple
      • Reentrant

      Restful WCF Service

      • Understand Restful service in WCF
      • Use of Restful service
      • How to make Restful service in WCF
      • Use of XML/JSON in Restful service

      Implementing Security in WCF Service

      • Understanding security terms
      • Authentication
      • Authorization
      • Confidentiality
      • Integrity


      • Message security
      • Transport security
      • Transport With Message security


      • Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
      • Brief history of ASP.NET MVC
      • Understanding ASP.NET MVC Design Pattern
      • Setup & Installation process
      • Compare ASP.Net Web Forms with ASP.NET MVC
      • Life cycle of ASP.NET MVC
      • Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC
      • Understanding ASP.NET MVC project templates

      View Engine

      • What is View Engine
      • Role of View Engine
      • Types of View Engine
      • Compare ASP View & Razor View Engine
      • Understanding Razor syntax
      • Accessing model data in Razor views
      • Working with Razor Layouts
      • Understanding Razor Expressions


      • What is MVC
      • Understanding scaffolding template
      • Scaffolding template with Entity Framework
      • Defining a data model
      • Understanding Model Binding
      • Working with explicit model binding
      • Responding to the edit post request


      • Purpose of Views
      • Understanding View Conventions
      • Types of View
      • Understanding ViewBag, TempData, ViewData and ViewDataDictionary
      • Creating strongly-typed views
      • Adding a View
      • Using Razor syntax in View
      • Code Block in View
      • Working with Partial View
      • Introduction of Layout/Master page
      • Working with Layout

      Controllers and Actions

      • What is the Controller
      • Use of Controller
      • What is Action and Action Results
      • Action Filters
      • Authorize Filters
      • Result Filters
      • Built In Filters
      • Processing Input and Output Action

      Membership, Authorization And Security

      • Session and application state
      • Using the Authorize Attribute to Login
      • Securing Controller Action
      • Authorize Attribute with Forms Authentication
      • Windows Authentication
      • Using Role wise Login
      • Managing users and roles
      • Configuring OAuth And OpenID Providers
      • Login via OAuth and OpenID
      • Security Implications of External Logins

      URL Routing

      • Introducing URL Routing
      • Routing Approaches
      • Defining Attribute and Traditional Routes
      • Understanding Route Parameters
      • A Details look at URL Generation
      • Creating and Registering a Simple Route
      • Ambient Route Values
      • Using Static URL Segments
      • Constraining Routes
      • Bypassing the Routing System

      Forms And Helper Methods

      • Using Form Helper Methods
      • The Action and the Methods
      • Using GET or POST Method
      • Using Template Helper Methods
      • Using Model Metadata
      • Making Helpers Do your Bidding Inside HTML Helpers
      • Setting up the Edit Forms
      • Using Strongly Typed Helpers
      • Helpers and Model Metadata
      • Helpers and Model State
      • Html.Hidden
      • Html.Password
      • Html. RadioButton
      • Html.CheckBox
      • Html.DropDownList
      • Html.Partial and Html.RenderPartial
      • Html.Action and Html.RenderAction

      Data Annotations And Validation

      • Using Validation Annotations
      • Custom Error Messages and Localization
      • Using Range validator Attribute
      • Regular Expression validator Attribute
      • Required validator Attribute
      • String Length validator Attribute
      • Custom Validation and Annotation
      • Using display format

      Additional Techniques

      • View scaffold templates
      • Model Validation
      • Global filters
      • Model binding
      • Bundling and Display Modes

      Using Ajax, jQuery with ASP.NET MVC

      • Overview of JQuery
      • Unobtrusive Ajax and the 'this' context
      • Using Ajax action links
      • Using Ajax Helpers
      • Autocomplete with jQuery UI
      • JSON & Client-Side Template
      • Bootstrap Plug-in

      Using the ASP.NET Web API

      • Overview of the ASP.NET Web API
      • Building servers and clients
      • Adding routes to your web API
      • Incoming Action Parameters
      • Validation
      • Understanding IHttp Controller
      • Enabling Dependency Injection
      • Session Management in Web API
      • Securing a Web API
      • Single and Multiple Registered Services in API


      Introduction to TypeScript

      • Compiling TypeScript
      • Why Use TypeScript
      • Let and Const
      • Lambda/Arrow Functions
      • Basic Types
      • Type Assertion
      • Type Definitions
      • Classes and Interfaces
      • Constructor

      Environment Setup

      • Node / NPM
      • Angular CLI
      • Application File Structure
      • Code Editors

      Introduction to Angular

      • What is Angular?
      • Advantages Of Angular
      • Disadvantages Of Angular
      • Key Features of Angular
      • Comparison Between Angular with Other Frameworks.


      • Why use Modules
      • NgModule
      • Declarations
      • Providers
      • Imports
      • Bootstrapping
      • The Core Module
      • Shared Modules
      • Lazy Loading


      • Introduction to Components
      • Component Architecture Patterns
      • Decorator Metadata
      • State & Behaviour


      • Inline vs External
      • Template Expressions
      • Data Bindings
      • *ngIf else, *ngFor and *ngSwitch
      • Built-in Structural Directives
      • Built-in Attribute Directives

      Custom Directives

      • Create your own Structural Directive
      • Create your own Attribute Directive


      • Built-in Pipes
      • Custom Pipes


      • Introduction to Services
      • Building a Service

      Lifecycle Hooks

      • Component Life Cycle
      • All lifecycle Hooks


      • The Component Router
      • Defining Routes
      • Navigation
      • Route Params
      • Child Routes
      • Primary Route and Named Route
      • Multiple router Outlet

      Advanced Routing

      • Route Guard

      Template-driven Forms

      • Introduction to forms
      • Template-driven forms
      • Validation

      Model-driven Forms

      • Introduction to Reactive forms
      • FormGroup & FormControl
      • Validators
      • Custom Validation

      Asynchronous Operations

      • Introduction to Async
      • Observables
      • Observables vs Promice
      • HTTP Request / Response

      Communication Between Component

      • @Input()
      • @Output()
      • @ViewChild()
      • @ViewChildren()
      • Shared Service

      Angular Testing

      • Introduction to Testing
      • Unit Testing

      Technical Design & Development (Project Based)

      • Working with Project
      • Programming Language: C# (MVC Razor)
      • Designing Tools
      • CSHTML
      • Using CSS
      • Using Ajax
      • Using JavaScript


      • Introduction to WPF
      • Understanding WPF Controls
      • Understanding XAML
      • Creating Custom Controls
      • Using Panels/Layout
      • Introduction to WPF Layout
      • StackPanel
      • Grid Panel
      • Dock Panel
      • Canvas Panel
      • Border
      • Wrap Panel
      • Data Binding
      • Types of Data Binding
      • Debug DataBinding Issues
      • Data Validation Rules
      • Value Converters
      • Data Viewing, Sorting and Filtering Using Triggers
      • Styling
      • Themes
      • Styles
      • 2D & 3D Graphics
      • Draw exactly on physical device pixels
      • Geometry Transformer
      • How to get a Bitmap from a Visual
      • DrawRoundedRectangle
      • Multithreading
      • Working with Slides & Animations

      Interview Preparation :

      • Technical Interview Preparation
      • Mock interview Preparation
      • HR Session

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