DOTNET training is provided by Spark Databox Training Institute in Anywhere in India

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Created by SparkDatabox Training Institute staff Last updated Wed, 13-Apr-2022 English

DOTNET free videos and free material uploaded by SparkDatabox Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Section 1: Introduction to .NET Framework

.NET Framework

 Over View




 Name Spaces

 .NET Languages

 Dll’s (Vs)Exe’s

Section 2: Basics

 Getting Started

 Using Variables and Arrays

 Methods and Parameters

 Decision Structures and Loops

 Handling Errors and Exceptions


 Classes, structures and enums





 Shadowing (new methods)


 Method Overloading

 this and base Keyword

 Sealed classes

 Interfaces, Abstract Classes

 Working with Delegates

 Designing and Implementing Events


 Sealed classes and Partial classes

 C#.NET Application Architecture

 Solution, Projects

 Compiling, Debugging and Running in IDE


 System.Windows. Forms Assembly

 System. Drawing

 The Form Class

 Win Forms

 Visual Inheritance

 Programming with Controls

 User Controls

Section 5: System.IO

 Readers and Writers


Section 6: System. Collections



Section 7: SERIALIZATION Formatters

 Binary Serialization

 Formatters, Binary Formatter

 SOAP Serialization

 XML Serialization

Section 8: ADO.NET I:



 System.Data. Dll

 System.Data. Oledb

 System.Data. SqlClient

 Data Readers

 Command Object

 Procedure Execution (PL/SQL)

Section 9: ADO.NET II: Data Adapters and DataSets

 Data Tables

 Data Relations

 Data Views

Section 10: ASSEMBLIES

 Strong Names


 Private and Shared Assemblies




 Threading Introduction

 System.Thrading NameSpaces

 Thread Members

 Thread States



 Web Programming






 Difference Between ASP and ASP.NET


 Inline Technique & Code-Behind Technique

 Code Render Blocks

 Server Controls

 Page Basics, Page lifecycle

 Post back Request

 View State, Directives


 Html Server Controls

 Web Server Controls

 Basic Web Controls

 List Controls, Data Controls

 Adv Controls, User Controls

Section 15: CUSTOM CONTROL Development





 DataReaders and DataSets

 Command Object

 Transaction Programming

 Procedure Execution

 Data Adapter and Data Set

 Data Tables

 Data Relation

 Data Views

 Updating Dataset


 Working with Data Controls


 Inserting, Updating, Deleting

 Sorting in Data Grid

 Paging in Data Grid

 DataSource Controls




 Data List

 Repeater Control

Section 20: XML

 DTDs & XSDs


 SAX Model

 DOM Model

 XML Programming in .Net

 XML Readers

 XML Serialization



 View State

 Cookie State

 Session State

 Session Tracking

 Application Object

 Session and Application Events


 Machine.Config & Web.Config.

 App Setting

 Compilation Settings

 Custom Error Settings

 Session State Settings

 InProcess & OutProcess Sesstion States

 State Server & SQL Server

 Cookieless Session State

 Application and Global.ASAX

Section 23: CACHING

 Introduction to Caching

 Types of Caching

 Page Caching

 Diff. between Webuser Controls & Custom Controls

 Page fragmentation Caching

 Data Caching

 Data Caching – Application Object

Section 24: TRACING

 Page Level

 Application Level

Section 25: SECURITY

 Authentication & Authorization

 Windows Authentications

 Forms Authentications

 Passport Authentications


Section 26: WEB SERVICES



 Publishing and Consuming Web Services

 Web Client

 Windows Client

 Caching Web Services

 Security in Web Services

Section 27: WEBPARTS

 Webpart Manager

 Zone Types

Section 28: Overview of Advanced .NET Technologies





Section 29: ASP.NET MVC4 Course Content

Section 30: MVC Introduction


 Getting Started

 Models, Views, Controllers

 Database Migrations

 Showing Data

 Listing data

 Creating data


 About Security

 Deploying To The Cloud


Section 31: Razor and ASP.NET MVC


 Razor's Goals

 Creating A Simple View

 Intermingling Code and Markup

 Models and ViewData

 HTML Helpers

 Partial Views

 Layout Views

 Startup Code



Section 32: Controllers in ASP.NET MVC


 Global Action Filters

 Caching Child Actions

 The ViewBag

 New Action Results

 Request Validation


Section 33: Models in ASP.NET MVC


 Validation in MVC

 Data Annotations

 Custom Validation Attributes

 Self-validating models

 Client validation

 Custom client validation

 Remote validation


Section 34: NuGet Package Management

 Introduction Package Management

 Where Do They Come From?

 Where Do They Go?

 Package Dependencies



 Custom Packages


Section 35: Dependency Resolution in ASP.NET MVC


 Dependency Resolution



 Controller Injection

 View Injection


 Filter Extensibility

 Model Related Extensiblity


Section 36: Web Optimization with ASP.NET MVC


 The Scenario


 Configuring Bundles

 Virtual Paths and Relative References

 Rendering Bundles

 Big Bundle Summary

Section 37: The ASP.NET WebAPI


 Web Services

 Getting started


 Content Negotiation

 Parameter Binding

 Implementing GET

 Showing Data

 Implementing PUT

 Implementing POST

 Implementing DELETE

 XML Client


Section 38: Async Await in MVC 4



 Task Parallel Library

 Async Await

 Async Controller

 Async Action Async and Parallel

 Async Timeouts

 Async Exceptions

 Async Testing


Section 39: AJAX with ASP.NET MVC


 Why AJAX?

 Raw AJAX with MVC


 AJAX Infrastructure

 Managing Scripts

 Preparing for AJAX

 AJAX Helpers

 AJAX Options

 Partial Page Rendering

 Error Handling

 Beyond the Helpers


 Client Validation

 Date Picker


 WCF and MVC


Section 40: WCF with C#

 Introduction to WCF

 Review the Challenges of Building Distributed Applications

 Examine the Concept of Service Oriented Application

 See a High Level Overview of Windows Communication Foundation

 Build and Host your First WCF Service

Section 41: Hosting and Calling WCF Services

 Understand how to Host a WCF Service

 Understand how Clients Communicate with Services

 See how to Host and Call a Service using Multiple Bindings

 See how to Configure Endpoint in Code and in Configuration Files

Section 42: Bindings and Contracts

 Understand how to Work with Bindings

 Explore how to Create Service and Data Contracts

 See the Implications of Modifying Service and Data Contracts

Section 43: Exceptions, Diagnostics, and Message Patterns

 Learn how to Handle Exceptions in WCF Services

 See Techniques for Diagnosing Services

 Explore One-Way and Duplex Communication

Section 44: Sessions and Transactions

 See how to use Sessions to Maintain State in WCF Services

 Explore Options for Controlling the Lifetime of a Service Instance

 Learn how to Add Transactions Support to a WCF Service

Section 45: WCF Security

 Explore the Basics of WCF Security

 See how to Authenticate Callers of a Service

 See how to Authorize Callers Based on Roles

Section 46: RESTful Services

 Explore how to Build WCF Services that Support Representational State Transfer (REST)

Section 47: WPF with C#

 Introducing WPF

 Understand the motivation behind WPF

 Examine the various 'flavors' of WPF applications

 Overview the services provided by WPF

 Examine the core WPF assemblies and namespaces

 Work with the Window and Application class types

 Learn the syntax of XAML

 Understand the XAML / code relationship

Section 48: WPF Controls

 Survey the core WPF control types

 Review the WPF control programming model

 Learn to position controls using layout managers

 Understand the role of WPF control commands

Section 49: WPF Document Controls

 Understand the scope of the WPF documents API

 Distinguish between fixed documents and flow documents

 Populate a document with inline and block elements

 Work with the WPF document APIs

Section 50: WPF Graphical Rendering Services

 Understand the scope of WPFs graphical rendering services

 Work with the Shape types

 Work with Brushes and Pens

 Apply graphical transformations

 Understand the role of geometries and drawings

 Work with the visual programming layer

Section 51: WPF Resource Management

 Learn to manage binary resources

 Understand the role of logical resources

 Work with resources in XAML and procedural code

 Work with resource dictionaries

 Understand the resource lookup mechanism

 Know the role of dynamic resources

 Learn how to make use of system resources

Section 52: WPF Styles

 Learn how to define and apply WPF styles

 Learn to limit where a style can be applied

 Build new styles based on existing styles

 Understand the use of triggers

Section 53: WPF Animation Support

 Understand the scope of WPF's animation services

 Define animations in code and XAML

 Work with linear interpolation animations

 Work with key-frame-based animations

 Work with path-based animations

Section 54: WPF Data Binding

 Understand the WPF data binding mechanism

 Bind to custom objects

Section 55: WPF Templates and User Controls

 Understand the relationship between WPF logical and visual trees

 Learn to build custom control templates

 Examine options for building custom controls

Section 56: LINQ Training Syllabus

 Language Extensions

 Implicitly typed variables

 Extension methods

 Object initialization syntax

 Anonymous types

 Lambda expressions

Section 57: Introduction to LINQ

 LINQ expressions

 Using via extension methods




 Skip and Take operators


Section 58: Deferred Execution

 Benefits and drawbacks

 IEnumerable vs IQueryable

 Using across tiers

Section 59: Data Projection

 Single result value

 Existing types

 Anonymous types


Section 60: LINQ to XML

 New XML classes

 Generating XML

 Querying XML

 Using data projection

 Combining with XPath

Section 61: LINQ to SQL

 Attributes and mapping

 Creating a DataContext

 Deferred loading

 Saving changes

 Inserts and deletes



 Handling exceptions

Section 62: LINQ to Entities

 ADO.NET Entity Framework

 Differences from LINQ to SQL

 Available providers

 Defining an Entity Data Model (EDM)

 Database-first vs. Model-first

 Object Services

 Change tracking

 Using EntityClient

 Using stored procedures

 Plain-Old CLR Object support (POCO) [.NET 4.0 only]

 N-tier and service-based applications

Section 63: VB.NET

 Overview of .NET

 Drawbacks of the Existing System

 Why .NET came into picture

 Difference between Java and .NET

 .NET Framework Architecture

 Versions of .NET Framework

Section 64: Visual Basic .NET

 Disadvantages of Visual Basic

 Programming in VB .NET


 Conditional Statements


Section 65: OOPS





 Overloading Methods and Constructors

 Abstract Classes



 Access Specifies

Section 66: Exception Handling

 What is Exception

 Error Handling

 Using Try, Catch, Finally and Throw

 Defining our own exception classes

 Debugging the Application

Section 67: Windows Programming

 Understanding Windows Programming

 Class Hierarchy

 Using Various Windows Components

Section 68: ADO .NET

 Client Server Architecture

 Understanding Drivers and Providers

 ADO .NET Architecture

 Using OLEDB Providers

 Data Readers

 Using Oracle and SQL Server Managed Providers

 Disconnected Architecture with Data sets

 Data controls

 Data Table and Data View difference and usage

 Invoking Stored Procedures

Section 69: Assemblies

 Why Assemblies

 Disadvantages of Com

 Architecture of Assemblies

 Creating Private and Shared Assemblies

 Deploying Shared Assemblies in GAC

Section 70: Custom Windows Controls (User Controls)

 Creating and Using them in other applications

 Defining properties to controls using Property Procedures

 Defining Events to controls and invoke them

Section 71: Multithreading

 Difference between Multitasking and Multithreading

 Advantages of Multithreading

 Creating Multiple threads in application

 Thread Synchronization

Section 72: Windows Services

 Understanding Windows Services

 Creating Windows Services

 Installing and Uninstalling Windows services

Section 73: .NET Remoting

 Understanding Distributed Architecture

 Drawbacks of DCOM

 Remoting Advantages

 Remoting Vs web services

 Creating & Using Remote Applications

Section 74: Real-time project

 Dot Net project environment setup

 Real-time Dot Net project

 Project demonstration

 Expert evaluation and feedback

Section 75: You made it!!

 Spark Databox Dot Net certification

 Interview preparation

 Mock interviews

 Resume preparation

knowledge sharing with industry experts

 Counselling to guide you to a right path in Dot Net career


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Get Advanced Information on Using the Dot Net for various desktops, mobile phones, games, and Microservices. Spark Databox Dot Net Certificate Course Training is provided by well-trained professionals with fully-fledged courses that improve development and knowledgeable skills. The Net Framework provides a stable and secure platform for the development of comprehensive software applications. Dot Net programming has a special role in the creation and deployment of web and server application and software tools and has a special place in the creating and deployment of web and server software tools for dot net programming.

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