All about Engineering Mechanics Video PPT lecture notes assignments question papers for jntuk jntuh jntua vtu bput anna universities
Engineering Mechanics free videos and free material uploaded by Bhanu Prasad .
1. To develop capacity to predict the effect to and motion in the course of carrying out the design functions of engineering.
At the end of the course the student will be able to
1. Explain the differential principle applies to solve engineering problems dealing with force.
2. Analyze free body diagrams and solve engineering problems dealing with moment and couple.
3. Apply the concepts of friction to solve real life applications.
4. Compute the concepts of centroid and centre of gravity.
5. Illustrate the concepts of moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia including transfer methods and their applications.
6. Apply the differential principles to solve engineering problems dealing with displacement, velocity and acceleration.
INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICS: Introduction–Units and Dimensions–Laws of Mechanics–Parallelogram and triangular Law of forces Vectorial representation of forces–Vector operations of forces-additions, subtraction, dot product, cross product–Coplanar Forces–rectangular components–Equivalent systems of forces–Principle of Transmissibility-Forces in space–Lami’s theorem
EQUILIBRIUM OF SYSTEM OF FORCES: Free body diagram–Equilibrium of a particle–Equilibrium of a particle in space–Types of supports–Action and reaction forces–stable equilibrium –Moments and Couples–Moment of a force about a point and about an axis –Vectorial representation of moments and couples –Scalar components of a moment–Varignon’s theorem–Single equivalent Force-Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in two dimensions–Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in three dimensions.
FRICTION: Friction force –Laws of sliding friction–equilibrium analysis of simple systems with sliding friction–wedge friction Rolling resistance – Ladder friction.
CENTROID & CENTER OF GRAVITY: Centroids and centre of mass–Centroids of lines and Areas-Rectangular, circular, triangular areas by integration–T section, I section, -Angle section, Hollow section by using standard formula–Theorems of Pappus–center of gravity of plane areas and composite areas
MOMENT OF INERTIA: Area moments of inertia of plane areas–Rectangular, circular, triangular areas by integration–Parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis Theorem-T section, I section, Angle section, Hollow section by using standard formula Mass moment of inertia –mass moment of inertia for prismatic, cylindrical and spherical solids from first principle.
KINETICS OF PARTICLES: Introduction to Kinetics-Newton’s laws of motion–D’Alemberts Principle-Problems based on rectilinear motion- Problems based on curvilinear Motion-Work Energy Equation–Impulse and Momentum –Problems.
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