Engineering Project Management: Risk, Quality, Teams, and Procurement

Engineering Project Management: Risk, Quality, Teams, and Procurement course provide by rice university

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by rice university staff Last updated Wed, 16-Mar-2022 English

Engineering Project Management: Risk, Quality, Teams, and Procurement free videos and free material uploaded by rice university staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?


Module 1- Project Risk Management

Module 2- Quality Assurance Plan

Module 3- Human Resources Management

Module 4- Project Procurement Management

Course 3 Final Exam

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Many Project Managers focus only on the scope, schedule and budget However, a successful project requires that you manage risk, control the quality of the deliverables, engage and manage people and procure goods and services This course will focus on these key support functions that make the difference between a highly successful project and an average one During the course, you will prepare a Qualitative Risk Analysis and Evaluate the Cost of Quality for a provided Case Study

By the end of this course you will be able to:

• Identify positive and negative risks
• Develop risk strategies
• Perform a qualitative risk analysis
• Identify cost contingencies and reserves
• Develop a quality plan
• Identify quality standards
• Utilize cause and effect tools
• Create a prioritization matrix
• Develop a team management plan that includes team development, identifying team members and clarifies roles and responsibilities
• Develop a procurement plan that includes contracts and incentives
All of this will position you to understand the more intangible aspects of project management to drive better overall performance
Rice Center for Engineering Leadership is a Registered Education Provider through the Project Management Institute (PMI)® Learners who complete this course on the Certificate track will be awarded 12 hours of Profession Development Units These are recognized by PMI for continuing education or can be applied toward the 35 hours of education required for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification
*PMI and PMP are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc

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