ETHICAL HACKING COURSE by UniNets Training Institute in Gurgaon,Sector 14, Gurgaon
ETHICAL HACKING COURSE free videos and free material uploaded by UniNets Training Institute in Gurgaon .
Network and Communication Technologies
Networking technologies – instance, hardware & infrastructure
Web technologies – instance, web 2.0 &skype
Systems technologies – Communication protocols
Telecommunication technologies
Mobile technologies
Wireless terminologies
Cloud computing
Cloud deployment models
Information Security Threats and Attack Vectors
Malware – Trojan, virus, backdoor, worms
Malware operations
Information security threats and attack vectors
Attacks on a system – DoS, DDoS, wireless threats, web server and web application attacks, SQL injection, session hijacking
Botnet – Cloud computing threats and attacks
Mobile platform attack vectors
Cryptography attacks
Information Security Technologies
Information security elements
Information security management – IA, Defense-in-Depth, incident management
Security trends
Hacking and ethical hacking
Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
Encryption algorithms
Wireless encryption
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Backups and archiving (instance, local, network)
IDS, firewalls, and honeypots
Information Security Assessment and Analysis
Data analysis
Systems analysis
Risk assessments
Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
Technical assessment methods
Network sniffing
Malware analysis
Information Security Assessment Process
Scanning – Port scanning, vulnerability scanning, proxy chaining, IP spoofing, banner grabbing, network discovery.
System hacking – password cracking, executing applications, privilege escalation, hiding files, covering tracks
Information Security Controls
Systems security controls
Application/file server
Disk Encryption
Network security
Physical security
Threat modeling
Wireless access technology – networking, RFID, Bluetooth
Trusted networks
Privacy/confidentiality (with regard to engagement)
Information Security Attack Detection
Security policy implications
Vulnerability detection
IP Spoofing detection
Verification procedures – false positive/negative validation
Social engineering (human factors manipulation)
Vulnerability scanning
Malware detection
Sniffer detection
DoS and DDoS detection
Detect and block rogue AP
Evading IDS – evasion, fragmentation
Evading Firewall – firewalking, tunneling
Honeypot detection
With CEH course and training at UniNets, you will gain expertise in defending the cyber attacks. Also, finding the loopholes from where systems and networks can be attacked and ways to fix them. Moreover, all the related latest technology handlings will also be included in the CEH training at UniNets. Since we serve as one of the best institutes for CEH training in Delhi.
Demands for a Certified Ethical Hacker has increased drastically in the past few years. And it is going to increase even more in the coming times. Every individual is considering online platforms to save and transfer their crucial data. However, big organizations are no less in this.
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