Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing Technologies by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing Technologies free videos and free material uploaded by Guwahati Staff .
Week 1 :Introduction to Additive Manufacturing
Week 2 :Computer Aided Process Planning for Additive Manufacturing
Week 3 :Computer Aided Process Planning for Additive Manufacturing
Week 4 :Liquid Additive Manufacturing
Week 5 :Liquid Additive Manufacturing
Week 6 :Sheet Additive Manufacturing
Week 7 :Wire Additive Manufacturing
Week 8 :Wire Additive Manufacturing
Week 9 :Wire Additive Manufacturing
Week 10:Powder Additive Manufacturing
Week 11:Powder Additive Manufacturing
Week 12:Powder Additive Manufacturing
The progress of additive manufacturing processes is ever increasing with the development of the digital platform in the manufacturing sector, which is essential for the growth of modern technologies. This course is primarily designed for fundamental understanding of different additive manufacturing technologies for realizing the metallic and non-metallic objects. The syllabus is oriented to cover from basic understanding to practical applications of this technology to develop the products. Therefore, the academic people, as well as the industrial practitioner both, will be benefitted from this course. The special emphasis is given to link computer interface with the digital manufacturing process and their demonstration using commercially available software. The modules cover almost all the direction of additive manufacturing technologies, and it is blended with fundamental development to the recent technologies. The audience will be able to develop a fundamental understanding of different perspectives and recent development in this field through the lectures, skill development through demonstration, and reinforce their knowledge by solving assignments. This course is presented in a lucid and simplified way to make it enjoyable to the beginners.
INTENDED AUDIENCE :Bachelor/Master/PhD students having background in Mechanical Engineering/Production Engineering/Manufacturing Technology
PRE-REQUISITES : There are no pre-requisites in educational qualification.
INDUSTRY SUPPORT : No industry support is required
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