IBM Cognos Training Provided by Technogeeks Training Institute in Pune,Aundh
IBM Cognos free videos and free material uploaded by Technogeeks Training Institute staff .
Data warehousing Basic Concepts
Introduction to data warehousing
Difference Between OLTP Vs OLAP
What dimensional modeling ?
What is dimension ?
What is fact ?
Types of schemas in data warehousing
Star Schema
Snow flake Schema
Hybrid Schema
Slowly changing dimension
Types of Slowly Changing dimensions
What is confirmed dimensions ?
Fact less fact table and types of Facts
Framework Manager
Overview of IBM Cognos BI
Describe IBM Cognos 10 BI Components
Describe IBM Cognos 10 BI Architecture at a high level
Define IBM Cognos 10 Groups and Roles
Gather requirements
Examine key modeling recommendations
Define reporting requirements
Explore data sources to identify data access strategies
Create a baseline project
Examine the IBM Cognos 10 and Framework Manager work flow processes
Define a project and its structure
Describe the Framework Manager Environment
Create a baseline project
Enhance the model with additional metadata
Prepare reusable metadata
Verify the relationships and query item properties
Identify Reporting Issues
Describe multi-fact queries and full outer joins are appropriate
Describe how IBM Cognos 10 uses cardinality
Identify reporting traps
Use tools to analyze the model
Virtual Star Schemas
Identify the advantages of modeling metadata as a star schema
Model in layers
Create aliases to avoid ambiguous joins
Merge the query subjects to create as view behaviour
Consolidate metadata
Create virtual facts to simplify writing queries
Create a virtual dimensions to resolve fact-to-fact joins
Create a consolidated modeling layer for presentation purposes
Consolidate snowflake dimensions with model query subjects
Simplify facts by hiding unnecessary codes
Calculations & Filters
Use calculations to create commonly needed query items for authors
Use static filters to reduce the data returned
Use macros and parameters in calculations and filters to dynamically control
the data returned
Implement a time dimension
Make time based queries simple to author by implementing a time dimension
Resolve confusion caused by multiple relationships between a time dimension and
another table
Specify Determinants
Use determinants to specify multiple levels of granularity and prevent double
Create the presentation view
Identify the dimensions associated with a fact table
Identify Conformed Vs non conformed dimensions
Create a star schema groupings to provide authors with logical groupings of
query subjects
Rapidly create a model using the Model Design Accelerator
Report Studio
Introduction to reporting application
Examine report studio and its interface
Explore report types
Create a simple , sorted, and formatted report
Explore how data items are added to queries
Create List reports
Format, group, and sort list reports
Describe options for aggregating data
Create a multi fact query
Create a report with repeated data
Focus reports Using Filters
Create filters to narrow the focus of reports
Examine detail and summary filters
Determine when to apply filters on aggregate data
Create crosstab reports
Format and sort crosstab reports
Convert a list to a crosstab
Create a complex crosstabs using drag and drop functionality
Create crosstabs using unrelated data items
Present data graphically
Create charts containing peer and nested columns
Present data using new chart type options
Add context to charts
Create and reuse custom chart palettes
Present key data in a single dashboard report
Focuses reports using prompts
Identify various prompt types
Use parameters and prompts to focus data
Search for prompt types
Customize prompts to facilitate users choices
Navigate between pages
Display users prompt selections in the report
Implement casting prompts
Extend reports using Calculations
Create calculations based on data in the data source
Add runtime information to the reports
Create expressions using functions
Discusses report templates
Add pages to a report
Choose options to handle reports with no available data
Drill through from one report to another
Let users navigate from a specific report to a target report
Pass parameter values to filter the data in drill through targets
Implement Master Detail relationship
Analysis Studio
Analysis studio fundaments
Define the fundamental terms of analysis studio
Explain how to insert objects
Define & create sets
Identify the work area, overview area, and properties pane
Tools for investigation in analysis
Employ drilling down and up to different levels of detail
Apply changes to rows, columns, and measures in the analysis
Explain how to change the display of data
Use charts to display data graphically
Nest data in crosstabs in analysis
Apply depth to rows and columns by nesting data
Recognize drill behavior in nested rows and columns
Demonstrate how to swap nested levels
Build advanced crosstabs in analysis
Demonstrate how to view a complete level of data
Design a crosstab without retrieving data
Compare multiple measures
Apply stacked sets to the crosstab
Construct an asymmetrical crosstab
Compose a custom sort
Focus with filters in analysis studio
Apply filters using expressions
Apply filters using context area
Create top and bottom lists
Use several techniques to remove rows and columns
Extend the analysis
Apply summary calculations
Apply item based calculations
Practice ranking items
Demonstrate how to customize the report display
Query Studio
Introduction to query studio
Examine query studio
Open adhoc reports
Add data to adhoc reports
Examine report types
Examine charting
Create reports in query studio
Create list, grouped list, and crosstab reports
Use prompts to specify filter criteria
Create custom groups
Format data
Calculate and sort report data
Explore and modify reports in query
Run a report in query studio
Explore run options
Render reports in HTML, PDF, and CSV format
Format report elements
Create report views
View report outputs
Business Insight
Explore, Navigate, and create dashboards
Business Scenario
What is business insight
Examine Business Insight interface
Dashboard content
Define widgets
Add report content to dashboard
Align and rearrange widgets in the dashboard
Add tools to dashboard
Business Insight Advanced
Examine Business Insight Advanced
Business Scenario
What is business insight advanced
Explore the user interface
Design the report layout
View your data
Define the report layout
Create a report
Business Scenario
Goal of reporting
List Report Example
Crosstab Report Format
Crosstab Example
Chart Report format
Basic Chart Types
Pie Chart Example
Column Chart Example
Scatter chart Example
Financial Reports
Combination Reports
Same data with multiple business cases
Create a calculation
Calculation Example
Introduction to transformer
Purpose of transformer
Difference b/w transformer model Vs Framework Manager Model
Explore the transformer interface
How to refresh the cube
How to publish the cube in cognos connection
Active Reports
Introduction to Dash boarding
Deck and Data Deck
Static Prompts
Dynamic Prompts
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