Introduction to Solid State Chemistry

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry by Prof. Donald Sadoway via MIT

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Staff Last updated Sun, 27-Feb-2022 English

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry free videos and free material uploaded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?
  • Predict the properties and interactions of chemical substances by understanding their composition at the atomic level, making connections to structurebonding, and thermodynamics as necessary.
  • Determine and apply principles of materials science (specifically microstructure design and selection) to the selection of materials for specific engineering applications.
  • Assess the quality of text and graphics in textbooks and other published sources, and understand the advantages and limitations of different models proposed to explain each concept.
  • Understand and identify the similarities and differences among important classes of materials including glassesmetalspolymersbiomaterials, and semiconductors.
  • Utilize models of the atom to predict bonding and behavior of atoms.
  • Apply trends in the periodic table to predict behavior and properties of the elements.
  • Predict the behavior of specific elements in chemical reactions.
  • Understand how the primary and secondary bonding of atoms influences materials properties and behavior.
  • Apply basic rules of electron orbitals to predict molecular structure and properties.
  • Sketch the seven crystal systems and fourteen Bravais lattices.
  • Specify atomic planes, directions, and families of planes and directions within a given crystal structure using Miller indices.
  • Correlate X-ray diffraction information with crystal structure.
  • Compare and contrast the scattering of X-rays, neutrons and electrons within a crystal, and understand when one should use each of these to obtain structural information about a material.
  • Utilize band theory to describe the operation of modern semiconductor devices.
  • Use thermodynamics to explain the presence of point defects in crystalline solids.
  • Describe point, line, planar, and bulk imperfections in crystalline solids, and explain how these imperfections interact.
  • Identify the atomic-scale similarities and differences between amorphous and crystalline solids.
  • Discuss the structural and physical property differences between inorganic glasses (oxides, metallic) and organic glasses (polymers).
  • Apply reaction kinetics to determine the rate of chemical reactions; understand the factors that influence rates of reaction.
  • Utilize basic biochemistry to understand the formation of amino acids, peptides and proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
  • Apply Fick’s laws to predict the diffusion time and depth for systems with various initial and boundary conditions.
  • Utilize binary phase diagrams to identify weight and/or atomic percentages of components, and relative amounts of stable phases in binary and unary solutions.

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Introduction to Solid State Chemistry is a first-year single-semester college course on the principles of chemistry. This unique and popular course satisfies MIT's general chemistry degree requirement, with an emphasis on solid-state materials and their application to engineering systems.

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