Japani Bhasha - Saral swaroop(Japanese course taught in hindi)

Japani Bhasha - Saral swaroop(Japanese course taught in hindi) by Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by IIT Kanpur Staff Last updated Sat, 05-Mar-2022 Hindi

Japani Bhasha - Saral swaroop(Japanese course taught in hindi) free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Kanpur Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?


जापानी लिपियाँ एवं स्वर ज्ञान

हिरागाना, काताकाना, चीनी लिपि -कांजि


भाषा एवं व्याकरण

कारक, वाक्य-संरचना, संकेतवाचक शब्द, प्रश्नवाचक शब्द, गणक, संबंधबोधक शब्द , शब्द-सूची, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया एवं काल, क्रिया और प्रकार, विशेषण, क्रिया विशेषण, तुलनात्मक शब्दावली एवं वाक्यांश, निवेदन एवं आदेश, समुच्चयबोधक शब्द, भावाभिव्यक्ति, शब्दावली आदि ।


दैनिक वार्तालाप

निजी परिचय, राष्ट्रीयता, अंक, समय, दुकान पर वार्तालाप,

प्रश्नवाचक शब्दों से वार्तालाप, रास्ता पूछना, टेलीफोन पर वार्तालाप एवं जानकारी, जगह बताना, इच्छा करना, निवेदन एवं आदेश, पाना एवं देना, पसंद एवं प्राथमिकता, कार्य क्षमता, अनुमति मांगना, ओपचारिक जापानी आदि । कांजि लिखना एवं समझाना ।


सामान्य जापानी संस्कृति

जापानी रहन सहन एवं संस्कृति से परिचय, पर्व एवं त्यौहार, रीति-रिवाज़ एवं मान्यतायें, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ आदि ।

ऑडियो क्लिप्स

ऑडियो से समझना  

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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The material is designed for people who have a reasonable knowledge of written and spoken Hindi, and who plan to develop a working knowledge of Japanese, which will help them interact better with the Japanese people. Also, people travelling to Japan for training, education, business, tourism, etc. will find the course useful.

INTENDED AUDIENCE :The material is designed for people who have a reasonable knowledge of written and spoken Hindi, and who plan to develop a working knowledge of Japanese, which will help them interact better with the Japanese people. Also, people travelling to Japan for training, education, business, tourism, etc. will find the course useful.


INDUSTRY SUPPORT :All companies/industry that works with the Japanese industry and/or people, would find it useful for their employees.

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