Java Full Stack

Java Full Stack Training Provided by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute in Gurgaon

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute staff Last updated Mon, 11-Apr-2022 English

Java Full Stack free videos and free material uploaded by SLA Consultants Gurgaon Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Module 1 – HTML5|CSS3|JavaScript|Jquery


Understanding CSS3.

Using CSS3 advance Tag and Attributes selectors.

Clear fix with CSS3.

CSS3 Rounded Coners.

CSS3 Box shadow properties.

CSS3 Text Shadow properties.

CSS3 Background Gradients.

Making beautiful buttons using CSS3.

CSS3 Transformations Properties.

CSS3 Rotate, Translate, Skew, Scale properties.

CSS3 transitions.

CSS3 transitions delays.

CSS3 transition functions.

CSS3 keyframes.

Creating animations Using Keyframes

Animating web pages using CSS3.

Mixing CSS3 and JQuery animations to create advance plugins.

CSS3 Image slideshow.

CSS3 Media Queries.

Understanding Responsive Layouts.

Making Basic Responsive Layout in CSS3 Media Query.

Making Advance Website Template in CSS3 Media Query.


What is HTML5?

How is HTML5 different from XHTML.

Drawbacks of XHTML.

HTML5 future uses.

Understanding HTML5 doctype.

HTML5 Basic tags.

HTML5 Advance Tags.

Replacing XHTML Divs with HTML5 advance tags.

Making a website template using HTML5.

Fixing HTML5 compatibility issues in different browsers.


Making HTML5 compatible in IE-8 and lesser using HTML5 SHIV.

HTML5 custom data attributes.

Holding custom data in HTML5 data attributes.

Working with HTML5 data attributes and jQuery.

Understanding HTML5 Canvas.

Working with HTML5 Canvas using JavaScript and jQuery.

Drawing runtime graphics and Animations using HTML5 Canvas.

Playing with HTML5 canvas animations and characters using JavaScript and jQuery.


Use of JavaScript.


JavaScript Popup boxes.

JavaScript Events.

Events handling.

Manipulating DOM with JavaScript.

JavaScript Operators.

Control Structure.

Writing functions.

Tag and ID selector.

JavaScript Objects.

Making Light box with JavaScript.

Making an image viewer with JavaScript

Working with arrays.

JavaScript Timers.

Making JavaScript Image Slide Show

JavaScript Date and Time Functions.

JavaScript form validations using Regular Expression.

Application of JavaScript.


JQuery syntax.

JQuery selectors.

Creating, inserting, and manipulating web page content.

JQuery predefined functions.

Understanding JQuery plugins.

Using event ready handlers that work across browsers.

Working with JQuery effects, such as showing, hiding, sliding and fading page elements.

JQuery callback functions.

Creating custom animations with specialized properties and options.

JQuery events.

Understanding Elements Hierarchy.

Using the JQuery UI plug-in to give pages a polished look.

Developing JQuery applications and Plugins (like Facebook and Twitter).

Making JQuery sliding menus.

Making JQuery lightbox.

Making JQuery image slider.

Making JQuery image slideshow.

Making jQuery Image Carousel.

Making JQuery Image Zoom viewer.

Making JQuery Collapsable Menu.

Module 2 – AngularJS

Module 2.1 – AngularJS

Introduction to Single-Page-Apps (SPA)

Fitment of AngularJS

How AngularJS Web App Works

Bindings: declarative connections between data and on-screen

Angular Expressions



Root Scope

solated Scopes

Understanding Digest Loop


Simple Routing

Nested Routing


Inbuilt Filters

Writing custom filters

Forms and validation

Organizing your code with modules i.e. MVW*

Dependency injection

Get Data from Web Services


Inbuilt Services

Writing your own Services

Types of custom Services


Inbuilt Directives

Writing your own Custom Directives

Events and event propagation

Concept of Promises in Detail

Using Deferred Objects

Assignment after every session

Module 2.2 – 2.x/4.x Course

Modules, Components, expressions & ng-model

1-way-2-way binding, interpolations, template binding, cloning & event binding .

@Input, @Output & Eventemitters.

Angular Component Life Cycle.

Providers, Services, and Dependency Injection.

SPA(Single Page Application) using Routing.

Validation using Angular forms.

Making HTTP POST calls to REST service (WebAPI) using Angular 2.

Lazy loading using Angular 2.

Use WebPack for Angular 2 application.

HashLocation strategy

 Module 3 - Core & Advanced Java

Module 3.1 – Core Java

Introduction to Java

Understanding Requirement: Why Java?

Why is Java important to the Internet?

Securities walls in Java.

Java on Windows/Linux platform.

Why Java on top in the industry.

Introduction to Java Virtual Machine

Java Virtual Machine Architecture.

Class loading process by Class loaders.

Bootstrap Loader.

Extension Loader.

System Loader.

The relationship between loaders.

Role of just in Time Compiler (JIT).

Execution Engine.

An Overview of Java and Buzzwords

Data Types, Variables and Arrays.


Control Statements.

Object-Oriented Paradigms.


The Three OOP Principles: (Encapsulations, Inheritance, and Polymorphism).

Java Classes and Oop Implementation

CLASS Fundamentals.

Command Line Arguments.

Learning Static Intializer.

Declaration of Objects.

Instance Variable Hiding.

Overloading and Overriding of Methods.

Up casting.

Down casting.

Understanding of Access Controls: Private public and protected.

Learning Nested and Inner Classes.

Dynamic Method Dispatching.

Using Abstract Classes.

Using Final to Prevent Overriding & Inheritance.

Garbage Collection.

Packages and Interfaces

Defining a Package.

Understanding CLASSPATH.

Importing Packages.

Access protection.

Defining and Implementing an Interface.

Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces.

Adapter Classes.

Anonymous Classes.

Exception Handling

Fundamentals of Exception Handling.

Types of Exceptions.

Learning Exceptions Handlers.

Try and Catch.

Multiple Catch Clauses.

Nested Try Statements.

Throw, Throws and Finally.

Creating Custom Exceptions.


String Handling

Learning String Operations

Learning Character Extractions

Learning String Comparisons

Understanding of String Buffer Class

String Builder Class

String versus String Buffer.

Special methods of String and String Buffer.

What to choose between String and String Buffer.

New in Jdk 5/6

Premain, Method, Objectsize.

Autoboxing, Unboxing.

Java Compiler API.






Windows Programming


Introduction to JFC.


Event Delegation Model

Event Classes.

Event Listeners.


Applet Basics

Architecture and Skeleton.

Simple Applet display methods.

The HTML Applet Tag.

Inter-Applet Communication.

Trusted Applet (Applet with Database).

Multithread Programming

The Java Thread Model.

The lifecycle of a Thread.

Creating a Thread: Extending Thread.

Implementing Runnable.

Creating Multiple Threads and Context Switching.

Synchronization: Methods and Statements.

Inter-thread Communication.

Thread Local.

Dead Lock.

Thread Pool Executor Class.

Shutdown Hookup and Re-entrant Locking.

I/O Streams

File Handling.

Binary Systems.

Character Streams.



Stream Tokenizer.

String Tokenizer.

GzipOutputStream Class.

Data Encryption & Decryption.


URL, InetAddress.

Socket and Server Socket.

Datagram Socket, URL Connection.

Socket Factories.

Demonstration of Data Transfer from one machine to another.

Reflection Api

Determining the Class of an Object

Getting Information about Class’s modifiers, fields, methods, constructors and super classes

Finding out constant and method declaration belong to an interface

Creating an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime

Greeting and setting value of an object’s field if field name is unknown until runtime

Invoking a method on an object if the method is unknown until runtime

Creating a new array whose size and component type are not known until runtime

Module 3.2 – Advanced Java

Collection Framework

The Collection Interfaces (List, Set, SortedSet)

The Collection Classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet)

Differences b/w HashSet, HashMap and HashTable.

Differences between other Collection Classes.

Accessing a Collection via an Iterator.

Working with Maps.

Working with Comparators, Comparable.

The Collection Algorithms.

The Legacy Classes and Interfaces (Enumeration, Vector, Stack, Dictionary, Hashtable).

Difference b/w Non Legacy and Legacy Interfaces and Classes.

Date and Time Handling.

System Properties & Internationalization

Usage of Property File.

Define the Locale.

Defining multiple types of locale using multiple property files.

Resource Bundle.

Fetching text from Resource Bundle.

Remote Method Invocation (Rmi)

DISTRIBUTED Applications.

RMI Architecture.


Call-back Mechanism.

Demonstration of RMI using more than one machine.

Database Programming Using Jdbc

JDBC Drivers

4 Ways of Getting Database Connection

Statements, Callable statement, Prepared statement and their differences

Metadata, Result Set Meta Data, Database Meta Data and their differences.

Scrollable & Updatable Result Set.

Batch Updates.

Data Source & Connection Pooling.

Connection Pooling using Data Source.

Performance increase using Connection Pool.

Row sets.

Transactions (Commit, Rollback, Save point).

Introduction to J2EE Architecture

Tier Architecture

Single Tier.

Two Tier.

Three Tier.

N Tier.

J2EE Components

Web Components.

Business Components.

J2EE Containers

Container Types.

Container Services.

J2EE Services

Java Naming and Directory Interface.

Java Transaction Service.

Java Messaging Service.

Java Authentication & Authorization Service.

Introduction To Uml

Use Cases.


Introduction To Xml

Document Type Definition (DTD).

Xml Parsers

Document Object Module (DOM).

Simple API for XML (SAX).

Java Servlet

Introduction to Web Programming.

Advantages of Servlets.

Servlet Lifecycle.

Difference between a simple java class and a servlet class.

Request Dispatching.

Types of Session Tracking.

Event Listener.


File Uploading / File Downloading.

Packages used to develop a Servlet.


Java Server Pages (Jsp) & Jstl

JSP Architecture.

Servlet Lifecycle versus JSP Lifecycle

Difference between a Servlet class and a JSP page

What to choose between a Servlet and a JSP

Integration of a JSP and a Servlet in a single application

JSP Elements.

JSP Implicit Objects.

Custom Tags.

Using Tags of JSTL.

Expression Language

Exception Handling in JSP.

Embedding core java in a JSP using Scriplets.

Demonstration of a JSP and Servlet in a single application.

Enterprise Java Beans (Ejb – 3.0)

Java Persistence API.



Types of EJB.

Session Beans


State Management.

Life Cycle.




Entity Beans


State Management.

Life Cycle.


Container Managed Persistent (CMP) 2.0 o Introduction.

Primary Key Class. o EJB Methods.




Bean Managed Persistent (BMP)



EJB Relationships.

Session Beans Lifecycle versus Entity Bean Lifecycle.

Difference b/w Session Beans verses Entity Beans.

Message Driven Beans & Jms

Messaging Overview.

Messaging Models.

Point to Point Model

Topic Subscriber Model

JMS Implementation.

Life Cycle.



ACID Properties.

Transaction Requirements.

Container Managed Transactions.

Bean Managed Transactions.

Distributed Transactions.

Two Phase Commit.

J2EE Design Pattern

What is Design Patterns?

Problem verses Design Pattern.

Which Design pattern to choose?

Front Controller.

Composite View.

Session Façade.

Service Locator.

Data Access Object (DAO).

Value Object.

Singleton Pattern, Factory Pattern.

Java Mail

Email System & Protocols.


Sending Mails.

Receiving Mails.

Handling attachments.

Replying & Forwarding.

Packaging & Deployment Using Ant

Introduction To Web Services

A Conceptual Overview of Web Services.

Web Services Requirements.





My Eclipse 8.0.

NetBeans 6.5.

Web Server

Apache Tomcat 6.0.

Application Server

Bea’s Weblogi 10.3.



Sun Application Server


Module 4 - Framework - Spring & Hibernate

Module 4.1 – Framework Spring

Basics of Spring

What is Spring

Spring Modules

Spring Application

Spring with IDE

Spring in Myeclipse

Spring in Eclipse

IOC container

Dependency Injection

Constructor Injection

CI Dependent Object

CI with collection

CI with Map

CI Inheriting Bean

Setter Injection

SI Dependent Object

SI with Collection

SI with Map

CI vs SI

Auto wiring

Factory Method

Spring AOP

AOP Terminology

AOP Implementations

Point cut


Spring JDBC

JdbcTemplate Example






Spring with ORM

Spring with Hibernate

Spring with JPA


SpEL Examples

Operators in SpEL

variable in SpEL

Module 4.2 – Framework Hibernate

Basics of Hibernate

Hibernate Introduction

Hibernate Architecture

Understanding First Hibernate application

Hibernate with IDE

Hibernate in Eclipse

Hibernate in MyEclipse

Hibernate Application

Hibernate with annotation

Hibernate Web application

Hibernate Generator classes

Hibernate Dialects

Hibernate Logging

Hibernate with Log4j 1

Hibernate with Log4j 2

Inheritance Mapping

Table Per Hierarchy

Table Per Hierarchy using Annotation

Table Per Concrete

Table Per Concreteusing Annotation

Table Per Subclass

Table Per Subclass using Annotation

Collection Mapping

Mapping List

One-to-many by List using XML

Many to Many by List using XML

One To Many by List using Annotation

Mapping Bag

One-to-many by Bag

Mapping Set

One-to-many by Set

Mapping Map

Many-to-many by Map


Lazy Collection

Component Mapping

One-to-one using Primary Key

One-to-one using Foreign Key

Transaction Management



Named Query

Hibernate Caching

First Level Cache

Second Level Cache


Hibernate and Struts

Hibernate and Spring

Module 5 - MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB

Installing MongoDB

The current SQL/NoSQL landscape

Document-oriented vs. other types of storage

Mongo’s featureset

Common use-cases

MongoDB databases

MongoDB Collections

MongoDB Documents

CRUD Operations in Mongodb

Creating documents




Querying documents


Working with equality

Query operators

Building complex queries

Updating documents

Deleting documents

Introduction to Mongoose

Word on ORM/ODM

Installing mongoose

Connecting to MongoDB from mongoose

Core concepts of Mongoose

Understanding mongoose schemas and datatypes

Working with Models

Using modifiers in schema

Using virtual fields

Optimizing query performance by enabling indexes

Extending Models

Working with hooks

Validation of model data

Creating custom static methods

Creating custom instance methods

CRUD operations with Mongoose

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Java Full Stack Developer is an individual who is able to perform tasks at any level of the technical stack which include working with system infrastructure and understanding what hardware and operating system to install in order to prepare the system, understanding, manipulating, developing and querying database, front-end coding and backend coding in more than 1 languages, project management, and many other tasks. A Full Stack Developer is someone who is familiar with all the layers of computer software development. They are not expert at everything but have functional knowledge of all the stages of the software development. In order to become an Expert Java Full Stack Developer

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