Java Spring5 (Boot and Micro services) Training by iClass Gyansetu Training Institute in Gurgaon
Java Spring5 (Boot and Micro services) Training free videos and free material uploaded by iClass Gyansetu staff .
Learning Objectives
Spring Cloud NetFLIX APIs :
Spring Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud:
Understanding Application Architectures :
Microservices Decomposition:
Microservices Deployment Patterns:
Docker & Kubernetes Microservices Deployment Overview: (Deployment Automation : DevOps)
Kubernetes Overview :
Microservices Cross Cutting concerns:
Microservices Communication Style:
Microservices Data Management:
Microservices Security :
Microservices Test Cases using Spring Cloud Contract :
Spring MVC : Developing Web Application using Spring Boot
Spring Data JPA :
Spring AOP Using Spring Boot:
AOP Advices :
Spring Security using Spring Boot :
Spring Batch using Spring Boot:
MicroServices developers working in Java 8, Python, .Net, etc. have gained tremendous importance as the applications are moving to the cloud. There is a big job market for professionals working on MicroServices Architecture. You will get Microservices Certified Professional Certificate after the completion of the course.
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