Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I course provide by rice university
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Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I
Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I is the second course of a four-course series and explores the foundational principles of DE&I and how they often impact decision-making within organizations While these concepts are common, this course presents them through the unique lens of an equal opportunity professional with experience resolving complaints of discrimination and delivering DE&I programming to influence organizational culture and policy
Ists, Isms, and Discrimination
Defining Equal Opportunity and Protected Class
Exploring Bias and Cultural Competence
Power, Privilege and Systemic Discrimination
Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I is the second course of a four-course series and explores the foundational principles of DE&I and how they often impact decision-making within organizations While these concepts are common, this course presents them through the unique lens of an equal opportunity professional with experience resolving complaints of discrimination and delivering DE&I programming to influence organizational culture and policy
By the end of this course, you will able to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to link the foundational principles of DEI (equal opportunity, bias, power, privilege and other key concepts) and use awareness exercises to change behavior within your organization
2. Identify the difference between ist (such as racist or sexist), phobias (such as Xenophobia), bias, and other forms of discriminatory thinking from discriminatory behavior
3. Describe ways that you and your employees can use cultural competence as a way to address and limit the impact of bias, prejudice and stereotypes on organizational decision making
4 Describe the essential elements of systemic discrimination and how different forms of power and privilege must be managed to create inclusive organizations
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