Kubernetes Corporate Training is provided by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute in Bangalore,BTM
Kubernetes free videos and free material uploaded by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute staff .
Module 1-
Introduction To Kubernetes
Overview of Dockers and Containers
What is Container Orchestration?
Evolution of Kubernetes
Differences between Kubernetes and Docker Swarm
What is Kubernetes
Kubernetes Use Cases
Module 2 - Kubernetes
Architecture & Components
Understand Kubernetes Architecture
Introduction to Kubernetes Master
Components of Kubernetes Master
Introduction to Node Components
Module 3 - Installing
& Configuring Kubernetes
Overview of Minikube installation
Installing and Configuring Kubernetes Master and Nodes using
Building a Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster
List all the nodes of the clusters
Working with the cluster using various kubectl commands
Module 4 -Application
Lifecycle Management
Overview of Deployments
Scale-out deployments using ReplicaSets
Rolling Updates with Deployments
Deployment Best Practices
Module 5 - Storage
Management In Kubernetes
Overview of Kubernetes Volumes
Volumes Types -empty dir, hostPath, LPV, NFS, Cloud Volume
Differences between different Volumes
What are Persistent Volumes
Working with Persistent Volume Claims
Persist Volume Access Modes
Persistent Volume Best Practices
Understanding CSI Plugins (If time Permits)
Module 6 - ConfigMaps
And Secrets
Overview of ConfigMaps
Working with ConfigMaps -Creating ConfigMaps
ConfigMaps as Volumes and Environment Variables
Overview and Working of Secrets
Secret as Environment Variables
Using Secret as volume
Module 7 - Kubernetes
Working with DaemonSets
Working with StatefulSets
Working with Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
Module 8 - Kubernetes
Overview of Kubernetes Networking
Overview of Kubernetes CNI providers – Flannel, Calico, and
Differences between each CNI provider
Need for Kubernetes Services
Types of Services- Cluster IP, NodePort and LoadBalancer
Configuring Services using YAML files
Ingress Rules & Load Balancers
Module 9 - Securing
Kubernetes Cluster
Overview of Kubernetes Security
Cluster Authentication & Authorization
Users, Groups, and Service Accounts
Configuring Network Policies
Creating TLS Certificates
Secure Images
Cluster Security
Securing Service to Service Communication
Tools for Security Kubernetes ( Kube-bench, Aqua Security,
Module 10 - Logging
And Monitoring
Overview of Logging and Monitoring
Understanding Prometheus and Grafana
Configure and setup Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring
and Alerting
Module 11 -
Introduction To Helm
Overview of Helm Charts
Helm Charts
Helm Repository
Developing Helm Templates
Managing Helm Chart Dependencies
Helm Best Practices
Module 12 - Disaster
Recovery In Kubernetes
Why DR for Kubernetes cluster
Overview of DR Strategy in Kubernetes
Backing up and Restoring Cluster
Syncing Cluster
Kubernetes is one of the best technologies worldwide when
running your services on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. It's an
open-source system for automating, deploying, scaling and managing
containerized applications. It was designed by Google originally and is
maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Platform now.
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