MEAN Training Provided by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute in Pune
MEAN free videos and free material uploaded by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute staff .
Basic Foundation Course
1. Programming Basics
Fundamentals of Computer
Understanding Applications
Using Windows Explorer & File Structure
Number Systems
Application Software
2. Operating System
& Networking
Need for operating system
Functions of Operating System
Process Management
Memory Management
File Management
Device Management
Types of operating system
TCP/IP fundamentals
Networks and computer networks
2 tier, 3 tier and n-tier architecture
3. C Language
Introduction to C
Keywords, Constants and Variables
Data Types in C
Operator and Expressions
Control Structure
String Handling
Preprocessor Directives
File Management in C
Dynamic Memory Allocation
4. Object-Oriented
Concepts using C++
Introduction to OOPs
Beginning with C++
Class, Objects Basics
Constructor, Data Members
Operator Overloading
5. Linux Foundations
Introduction to UNIX and its flavours
UNIX architecture
File System
User and Group Policies
Unix general commands
Concept of Files and Directories in Unix
File Permission and related commands
Filter Commands and their options
Vi Editor
6. Introduction to
Database Management Systems
Introduction to Database
Data types
SELECT Statement
Restricting and Sorting Data
Aggregating Data using Group Functions
Manipulating Data
Sub queries
Important Functions
Joins and different types
UI Developement
What are websites and web applications?
What is the difference between the local server and web
Client-server architecture
Introduction and Basic Structure of HTML
Paragraphs, Headings, and Text Formatting Tags
Html list
Html Image
Html Table
Html4 & 5 form elements
Introduction of CSS
Types of CSS
Basic CSS properties
CSS Box Model
Division Structure (Overview of how to create a webpage )
CSS Position
4. Javascript
Introduction of Javascript
How to display output in JS
JS Variables &Datatypes
JS Operators
JS Conditional Statements & Looping Statements
JS Functions
Pre-defined Functions
User-defined functions
HTML Events
JS Validations
5. Bootstrap
What is Bootstrap?
Bootstrap Setup
Bootstrap grids
Bootstrap buttons, forms, navigation bars
1. Design Goals,
Architecture, and Installation
What is the need for Non-RDBMS
Benefits of using Document-based databases
2. CRUD Operations
Understanding of CRUD Operations
Functional usage of CRUD
Read / Write Operations with CRUD
3. Schema Design and
Data Modelling
Schema Design and
Data Modelling in MongoDB®
Various Data Structure and
Tools to Manage Data Model in MongoDB
An Intro to Express JS
Setting Up Router
Route ParaMeter and queries
HTTP Interaction
Handling ForM Data
Handling Query ParaMeters
Error Handling
Creating and ConsuMing RESTful Services
Using TeMplates
The Model-view-controller pattern
Defining Jade and Handlebars teMplates
Building a front-end controller
Defining routes
Creating actions
Configuring Express to use
Using REST
Reading POST data
Building Handlebars helpers
Adding Middleware
Data Sources
How Node.JS connects to databases
RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases
1 Getting Started
What is Angular 2?
How Angular Works?
Difference between Angular and Other Framework
Advantages of AngularJS
2. Typescript
What is typescript?
Compare typescript with Javascript
Data Types & Variables
Variable & Operators
Control Structure and Decision making & loops
Typescript Functions & Strings
Typescript Object
Class, Abstract Class
Constructor Method
Type of Assertion
3. Application setup
Installing Angular JS
Configuration of Angular JS
Creating an Angular 2 project
Creating an Angular 2 project using CLI
4. Node package
What is NPM
Install Nom for Angular.
5. Architecture
Data binding
Attribute Directive
Structural Directive,
Dependency Injection
6. Angular UI design
What is flexbox
How to design your user interface with flexbox model
Material Design
What is material design
How to use and setup material environment
Material components and layouts:
Material cards
Mat table
How to install bootstrap in angular environment
Bootstrap layout and components
7. Directives
Understanding Directives
Directives Overview
Different kinds of directives
Build attribute directive
Apply the attribute directive to an element in a template
Respond to user-initiated events
Pass value into the directive with an @Input data binding
Custom Attribute Directive
8. Structural and
Attribute Directive
What is structural directive?
NgIf case study
NgFor, NgSwitch
What is attribute Directives
Using the NgStyle Directive
Using the NgClass Directive
The element
9. Service
What is service?
Create a service
Understanding Services Injecting Concepts
Async service and promise
Introduction to Observable
What is web service
how to create web service
how to consume rest service
posting data to client server architecture
Introduction to Material Design
Introduction to card Material Design .
What is Json Server .
Install json server and run and up into your local machine
crud operation using son server.
10. Dependency
Why dependency injection?
Angular dependency injection
Injector provider
11. Data Binding
Property binding
Event binding
Attribute binding
Class binding
Style binding
Multiple components & passing data
12. Display data
Class Binding
Style Binding
Event Binding
Two-way Binding
Component Data Binding
Component Events
13. User input
Binding to user input events
Get user input from the $event object
Get user input from a template reference variable
Key event filtering (with key.enter)
14. Form
Types of Forms in Angular4
Introduction to Template Driven Forms.
Validation of Template Driven Forms.
Introduction Model Driven Forms.
Validation of Model Driven Forms.
Two way data binding using ngModel.
Model Driven Forms With Form Builder
How to post data via a angular forms with rest service.
15. Pipes
Introduction to Pipes
Why pipes are useful.
Type of pipes
Built-in pipes
parametrized pipes
how to create custom pipes
16. Router
Setting Up Router
Imperative Routing
Route Parameter
Child Routing
17. What are the change
in every version of angular
Difference and changes in various angular versions.
Latest angular version and it’s features
1. Introduction to
Node JS
Introduction & Foundation
Introduction to the Node JS framework
Installing NodeJS
Using NodeJS to execute scripts
The Node Package Manager
The package.json configuration file
Global vs local package installation
Automating tasks with Gulp
The HTTP protocol
Building an HTTP server
Rendering a response
Using Representational State Transfer
Express Framework
Connecting to Mongo databases
Performing CRUD operations
The NodeJS framework
Installing NodeJS
Using NodeJS to execute scripts
2. NodeJS Projects
The Node Package Manager
NodeJS Creating a project
The package.json configuration file
Global vs local package installation
Automating tasks with Gulp.
The HTTP protocol
Building an HTTP server
Rendering a response
Processing query strings
NodeJS using Representational State Transfer
Configuring TLS
Soft Skills
1. Self Analysis
Know yourself
Personality types
Areas of interest
2. Self Discovery
SWOT Analysis – strength, weakness, opportunities, threats
3. Goal Setting
Short-term plan
Long-term plan
Effective Time-management
4. Effective Self
Personal grooming, Dressing, Hygiene
5. Effective Communication
Verbal – Language
Voice modulation – Tone, Pitch
Clarity of Speech
Listening skills – Active Listening, Selective Listening
Written communication – general business correspondence
6. Email Etiquette
7. Body Language
Understanding non-verbal communication
Postures, Gestures, Eye contact
8. Tips to prepare
impressive Resume
9. Tips for Group
10. Handling
Telephonic interview
11. Mock – Technical
12. Mock – Personal
Interview (PI)
13. Office Etiquettes
and Mannerisms
MEAN Stack stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. It is mostly an open-source software bundle and written in one language for both server-side and client-side environments. Angular has become the most in-demand framework, and with the induction of MEAN Stack, one can use Node and Express.js between the client and server.
3RI Technologies offers the MEAN Stack Training Course conducted by industry expert trainers. Our Mean Stack Training in Pune is a classroom training program conducted on weekdays and weekends as well. We ensure the high quality of training and take your career to the next level by joining this Mean Stack Training Program. Our primary focus is on quality training and ensuring the placements of students in well-reputed companies. We provide live project work to students, and our trainers specially train them according to the industry standards. After the completion, of course, students get well versed with the technology and also gains confidence as we induct various programs to make them ready for the industry.
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