Mean Stack Developer training

Mean Stack Developer training by Qtree Technologies Training Institute Coimbatore

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Qtree Technologies staff Last updated Sat, 14-May-2022 English

Mean Stack Developer training free videos and free material uploaded by Qtree Technologies staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?


Introduction to NoSQL databases


What is NoSQL?

Why NoSQL?

Difference Between RDBMS and NoSQL Databases

Benefits of NoSQL

Types of NoSQL

Key-Value Database

Document Database

Column-Based Database

Graph Database



MongoDB - A Database for the Modern Web

What is MongoDB?

JSON, JSON Structure


MongoDB Structure

Document Store Example

MongoDB as a Document Database

Transaction Management in MongoDB

Easy Scaling

Scaling Up vs. Scaling Out

Vertical Scaling

Horizontal Scaling

Features of MongoDB

Secondary Indexes


Memory Management

Replica Set

Auto Sharding

Aggregation and MapReduce

Collection and Database

Schema Design and Modeling

Reference Data Model

Data Types

Core Servers of MongoDB

MongoDB's Tools

Installing and Starting MongoDB on Linux

Installing and Starting MongoDB on Windows

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

Data Modification in MongoDB

Batch Insert in MongoDB

Ordered Bulk Insert

Performing Ordered Bulk Insert

Unordered Bulk Insert

Performing Un-ordered Bulk Insert

Inserts: Internals and Implications

Performing an Insert Operation

Retrieving the documents

Specify Equality Condition

Retrieving Documents by Find Query

$in, $or , and “AND” Conditions

$or Operator

Specify AND/OR Conditions

Retrieving Documents by Using FindOne, AND/OR Conditions

Regular Expression

Array Exact Match

Retrieving Documents for Array Fields

$Where Query


Retrieving Documents Using Cursor


Advance query option

Update Operation

Updating Documents in MongoDB


$Unset and $inc Modifiers

$inc modifier to increment and decrement

Replacing Existing Document with New Document

$Push and $addToSet

Positional Array Modification

Adding Elements into Array Fields

Performing AddToSet

Removing Documents

Performing Upsert and Remove Operation

Indexing and Aggregation

Introduction to Indexing

Types of Index

Properties of Index

Single Field Index on Embedded Document

Compound Indexes

Sort Order

Ensure Indexes Fit RAM

Multi-Key Indexes

Compound Multi-Key Indexes

Hashed Indexes

Sparse Indexes

Text Indexes

Text Search

Index Creation

Remove Indexes

Modify Indexes

Demo—Drop and Index from a Collection

Measure Index Use

Control Index Use

Geospatial Index

MongoDB’s Geospatial Query Operators

$GeoWith Operator

Proximity Queries in MongoDB


Pipeline Operators and Indexes


Aggregation Operations

Use Distinct and Count Methods

Use the Group Function

Developing Node JS Application with MongoDB

Express Framework

Detailed course contents:

Introduction to Express Framework Introduction to Nodejs

What is Nodejs

Getting Started with Express Your first Express App

Express Routing

Implementing MVC in Express Middleware

Using Template Engines Error Handling

API Handling Debugging

Developing Template Engines Using Process Managers

Security & Deployment

Angular JS

Detailed course contents:


What is Angular? What is a SPA?

Single Page Apps vs Conventional Web Applications

Where Angular Fits

What new in Angular 4? and comparison

Preparing for TypeScript

TypeScript decorators



New Object Features






Arrow Functions

Rest & Spread Operators




String Templates


Project Setup

Getting Setup

The TypeScript Module System

Brief Intro to TypeScript

Angular 4 new features

If...Else Template Conditions

Animation Module

TypeScript's StrictNullChecks

Angular Universal

Angular2 to Angular4 migration

Router ParamMap

TypeScript 2.1/2.2

Building with Angular 4 Components

A Trivial Component

Nested Components

Deeper Nesting

Angular 4 Binding and Events



Event Bindings

Two-way Binding

Class and Style Bindings

Built-in Directives

Component Data Binding

Component Events


Introduction to webpack/systemJS

Dependency Injection and services

Why Dependency Injection?

Injection API

Component Multi Providers

Injection Multi Providers

Services Overview

Creating a Service

Injecting a Service


Introduction and Examples

Directives Overview

Attribute Directives

Custom Attribute Directive

Structural Directives

Structural Directive: ngIf

Structural Directive: ngFor

Structural Directive: ngSwitch

Custom Structural Directive


Using Pipes

Creating Pipes

Built-in Pipes

Chaining Pipes

Custom Pipes

Stateful Pipes



Control groups


Template Driven Approach

Data Driven Approach


Introduction and Use

Creating and configuring Routes

Imperative Routing

Routing Parameters

Child Routes

Routing Lifecycle Hooks


HTTP GET Request

HTTP, Promises, and Observables

Promises - still available, still useful

Calling an API via HTTP

Introduction to Observables

Observable Bindings

Observables Operators

Angular 6

New features in angular cli

ng update

ng add

Angular Elements

Updates to @angular/material

CLI workspaces

Building libraries

Tree shakable providers

RxJs 6 Support

How to upgrade to Angular 6



Introduction and Foundation


The Node.js framework

Installing Node.js

Using Node.js to execute scripts

The Node Package Manager

The Node Package Manager

Creating a project

The package.json configuration file

Global vs. local package installation

Working with shrink-wrap to lock the node modules versions

What is shrink-wrap

Working with outdated command

Working with asynchronous programming

Asynchronous basics

Callback functions

Working with Promises

Advance promises

Using Request module to make API calls

Building an HTTP Server with Node.JS using HTTP APIs

The HTTP protocol

Building an HTTP server

Rendering a response

Processing query strings

Processing posted data

File System

Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O

Path and directory operations

__dirname and __filename

Asynchronous file reads and writes

Buffers, Streams, and Events

Using buffers for binary data

Flowing vs. non-flowing streams

Streaming I/O from files and other sources

Processing streams asynchronously

Multi-Processing in NodeJS

Working with Child Process API

Working with Cluster API for multi-core servers

Data Exchange – Course modules

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Detailed course contents:

Introduction to HTTP HTTP Parameters

HTTP Messages HTTP Request HTTP Response HTTP Methods

HTTP Status Code HTTP Header Fields Registration

HTTP Authentication

HTTP Caching

HTTP URL Encoding HTTP Securit


Introduction to Web sockets Web socket URIs

Web socket APIs

Opening Handshake Data Framing

Sending and Receiving Data Closing the Connections

Error Handling

Web socket Security

Deployment Considerations Project

Express Js

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Are you looking for the best MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js training, then here’s good news for you. Qtree Technologies is offering the best Mean Stack Developer training in Coimbatore. With the best features and excellent Mean Stack Developer certification offered, it stands as the Best Mean Stack Developer training institute in Coimbatore. Call Us Today!

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