Mern Stack Training Provided by Revanth Technologies Training Institute in Hyderabad
Mern Stack free videos and free material uploaded by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff .
Week : 1
Introduction of HTML
Editors in current Market
Html basic elements and attributes
Html forms with elements and
HTML Media and API
Introduction of CSS
CSS Selectors
Advanced CSS
CSS Responsive
Week : 2
Introduction of JavaScript
Datatypes in JavaScript
JavaScript Events
Strings& Stringmethods
Numbers & Number Methods
Arrays, Array Methods
Array Sort & Iteration
Dates&DateFormat with API
JavaScript Functions&Objects
JavaScript Classes
ES6 SpreadOperator
ES6 Arrow Functions
ES6 Array Destructing
Maps& Sets
ES6 Objects and classes & Template
ES6 Cookies&Modules
ES6 Promises & Async Await
Week : 3
Introduction of Node.js
EnvironmentSetup &Sample
application development
REPL Terminal
About NPM
Callback Concepts
ModulesGlobal Objects &
Utility Modules
Web module with express
Routing in express
Http methodsMiddleware
Templating& Static Files
Express Form Data with
Cookies& Sessions
Express JS
Scaffolding and authentication
Error Handling and Debugging
Week : 4
Introductionof MongoDB
Features of MongoDB and
Environment Setup
Data modeling In MongoDB
Data Types in MongoDB
CURD operations in MongoDB
limiting&Sorting Records
Aggregation in MongoDB
Replication AND sharding Objcet ID
MapReduce& Regular Expressions
Rest API using Node.js
Week : 5
Introduction of React.js
React.js Overview &
Environment Setup
About JSX& React Components
State & Props
Component API & lifecycle
React.js Forms & Events
Routing in React.js Applications
React refs
keysand HOC
React with flux & Redux
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