MERN stack Development

MERN stack Development Training Provided by Nschool Training Institute in Coimbatore

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Nschool Training Institute staff Last updated Mon, 28-Mar-2022 English

MERN stack Development free videos and free material uploaded by Nschool Training Institute staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Introduction to Node js

What is node js ?

A word on event loop

Event driven architecture

Blocking vs non-blocking code

Setup node js

The Node.js REPL

HelloWorld program

Modules in JS

Understanding exports and require

Creating modules

Importing modules

Quick tour on npm

Installing 3rd party modules

Events & streams

Significance of Events

EventEmitter class

Emitting and listening to events

Types of streams

Working with streams

Composing streams using pipe

Working with Process and File System

Process object

Handling exceptions at process level

Listening to processing events

Working with file system using fs module

Creating, Copying, deleting files

Creating, Copying, deleting directories

Watching for file changes

Express js Introduction & Setup

Installing express

First App with express – Demo

Little about routes

Little about Express middleware

Serving static files with express

Express application generator

What is express js ?

Routing in Depth

Route Methods

Route Paths

Parameterized Routes

Route Handlers

Express Router


Types of middleware

Error middleware

Bodyparser, cookie parser, session management Loggers

Template Engines

What are template engines ?




Express js security



Securing routes

Introduction to MongoDB

Installing MongoDB

The current SQL/NoSQL landscape

Document-oriented vs. other types of storage

Mongo’s feature set

Common use-cases

MongoDB databases

MongoDB Collections

MongoDB Documents

CRUD Operations in Mongodb

Significance of Events

Creating documents




Querying documents


Working with equality

Query operators

Building complex queries

Updating documents

Deleting documents

Introduction to Mongoose

Word on ORM/ODM

Installing mongoose

Connecting to MongoDB from mongoose

Core concepts of Mongoose

Understanding mongoose schemas and data types

Working with Models

Using modifiers in schema

Using virtual fields

Optimizing query performance by enabling indexes

Extending Models

Validation of model data

Creating custom static methods

Creating custom instance methods

CRUD operations with Mongoose

Introduction To React & JSX

React.js Syntax

Overview of JSX and why you should use it

Getting hold of everything you need to start coding

React Components

Components and Props

States & Lifting state up

Component Lifecycle

Updating Components

Writing your first React.js component

Mounting Components


Expressions & Attributes

JSX Basics

Name spaced Components

Rendering HTML

Rendering React Components

Creating A Dynamic UI In React

Keeping components stateless

Event Delegation

React State full Components

Auto binding

Code splitting



Key Events

Event Pooling

React.js Event Handlers

Synthetic Eventt Handling In React

Hooks (Architecture)

Introducing Hooks

using the State Hooks

using the Effect Hooks

Building Your Own Hooks

Flux (Architecture)

Views & Controller-Views

Flux is not MVC!

Data Flow

Action, Dispatcher, Store & View

Flux Application Architecture


Redux (Architecture)

Views & Controller-Views

Flux is not MVC!

Data Flow

Action, Dispatcher, Store & View

Flux Application Architecture


Integration With Other Libraries

Axios (  HTTP client )

Material UI

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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The term MERN stack refers to a collection of JavaScript based technologies which are used in the development of websites. MERN is the acronym for Mongo DB, Express JS, React JS, and Node JS. All of these play an integral part in transferring database from client to server. It refers to a consortium of JavaScript technologies used to develop web applications. MERN Stack is a full-stack development toolkit used to develop a fast and robust web application. It is an open source front-end web application framework managed mainly by Google and a community of people and dealings to address many of the contests of a single-page application development.

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