Natural Language Processing with NLTK and PYTHON Training Provided by learntek
Natural Language Processing with NLTK and PYTHON free videos and free material uploaded by learntek staff .
Module 1 – Introduction to NLP and NLTK
About NLP and its Applications
About Natural Language Toolkit
Getting Started with NLTK
NLTK installation
Loading Book
Module 2 – Introduction to Basics Python
List, Tuple and Dictionary
String Methods
Making Decisions and Taking Control
Conditionals, Operating on Every Element, Nested Code
Blocks, Looping with Conditions
Module 3 – Operations on Text Data
Searching for Text
Counting Vocabulary
Texts as Lists of Word
List, Indexing list, variables, strings
Frequency Distributions
Fine-Grained Selection of Words
Counting Other Things
Module 4 – Using NLTK Corpora for NLP
Accessing Text Corpora and Lexical Resources
Gutenberg Corpus
Gutenberg Corpus
Web and Chat Text Corpus
Brown Corpus
Reuters Corpus
Inaugural Address Corpus
Create and Load your own Corpus
Module 5 – Lexical Resources
Lexical Resources
Wordlist Corpora
Name Corpus
Comparative Wordlists
Module 6 – Text Data Preprocessing
Stop word removal
Tokenization: Word Tokenization and Sentence Tokenization
Part-of-Speech Tagging
Feature Extraction Techniques
Bag of Words: CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer
Module 7 – Process Web Text Data
Processing Raw Text
Accessing Text from the Web
Dealing with HTML
Processing RSS Feeds
Reading Local Files
Module 8 – Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions for Detecting Word Patterns
Regular Expressions for Extracting Word Pieces
Regular Expressions for Tokenization
Regular Expressions for Stemming
Module 9 – Machine Learning for NLP
What is Machine Learning?
Types of Machine Learning
Data Pre-processing
Classification Algorithms: Naive Bayes, SVM and KNN
Module 10 – Model Building
Overview of Text Classification
Learning to Classify Text
Text Similarity
Text Clustering
Deep Learning for NLP
Module 11 – Hands on for NLP based Projects
Gender Identification
Document Classification
Sentiment Analysis: Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Text Summarization
Spam Detection
The Natural Language Toolkit, or more commonly NLTK, is a suite of libraries and programs for symbolic and statistical natural language processing (NLP) for English written in the Python programming language.
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