Php Development

Php Development by EXADATA CONSULTING PVT LTD Training Institute in Hyderabad

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by EXADATA CONSULTING PVT LTD staff Last updated Sun, 15-May-2022 English

Php Development free videos and free material uploaded by EXADATA CONSULTING PVT LTD staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

 Introduction to PHP

Evaluation of Php, Basic Syntax, Defining variable and constant, Php Data type, Operator

and Expression.

 Decisions and loop

Making Decisions, Doing Repetitive task with looping, Mixing Decisions and looping with



What is a function, Define a function, Call by value and Call by reference, Recursive

function, String

Creating and accessing, String Searching & Replacing String, Formatting String, String

Related Library function


Anatomy of an Array, Creating index based and Associative array Accessing array, Element

Looping with Index based array, Looping with associative array using each () and foreach(),

Some useful Library function.

 Handling Html Form with Php

Capturing Form, Data Dealing with Multi-value filed, and Generating File uploaded form,

redirecting a form after submission.

 Working with file and Directories

Understanding file& directory, Opening and closing, a file, Coping, renaming and deleting a

file, working with directories, Creating and deleting folder, File Uploading & Downloading.

 Session and Cookie

Introduction to Session Control, Session Functionality What is a Cookie, Setting Cookies

with PHP. Using Cookies with Sessions, Deleting Cookies, Registering Session variables,

Destroying the variables and Session.

Database Connectivity with MySql

Introduction to RDBMS, Connection with MySql Database, Performing basic database

operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select), Setting query parameter, Executing queryJoin (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)

 Exception Handling

Understanding Exception and error, Try, catch, throw. Error tracking and debugging.

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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For the development of robust and dynamic websites or web applications the most powerful tool preferred is PHP MYSQL. PHP is a dominant scripting language designed to enable developers to create highly featured Web applications quickly, and MySQL is a fast, reliable database that integrates well with PHP and is suited for dynamic Internet-based applications.

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