PHP PROGRAMMING, TRAINING & CERTIFICATION (PHP++ CERTIFICATION) Training provided by gicseh training institute in noida
PHP PROGRAMMING, TRAINING & CERTIFICATION (PHP++ CERTIFICATION) free videos and free material uploaded by gicseh training institute staff .
Day1 - HTML Basic Tags
Day2 - HTML Forms
Day3 - Creating Tables
Day4 - Managing Home Page
Day1 - Introduction to CSS
Day2 - CSS Properties
Day3 - Designing Web Pages
Day1 - Variable
Day2 - Data type
Day3 - Controls Statements
Day4 - Function
Day5 - Events
Day6 - String Handling
Day7 - Arrays
Day8 - DOM
Day9 - form validation
Core PHP Development
Day1 - Evaluation of PHP
Day2 - Variables
Day3- Comments
Day4 - Functions
Day5 - Decisions and Loop
Form Handling
Day1 - Capturing Form Data
Day2- Dealing with Multi-value field
Day3 - Generating File Uploaded Form
Day4 - Redirecting a form after submission
Day6 - Control statements
Day7 - String Handling
Day8 - Arrays
Day9 – Templates
Day1- Introduction to RDBMS
Day2 - Performing Database Operations
Day3 - Setting Query Parameters
Day4 - Excuting Query
DataBase Access With
Day1 - Database connnectivity
Day2 - crud operation
Day3 – searching
Cookies and State
Day1 - Cookies
Day2 - Start Session
Day3 - Storing Session
Day4 - Retrieve Session
Day5 - Destroy Session
Accessing Files and
Day1 - Understanding File &Directory
Day2 - Opening & Closing file
Day3 - Reading file & Writing file
Day4 - Copying,Renaming & Deleating a File
Day5 - Dealing with Directories file operations
Uploading and
Day1 - File uploading
Day2 - Image uploading in database
Day3 - Fetching image
Day4 - Uploading image in folder
Concept of OOPS
Day1 - Introduction
Day2 - Class & Object
Day3 - Constructors
Day4 - Abstraction
Day5 - Inheritence
Day6 - Polymorphism
Day7 - Encapsulation
Day8 - Access Modifiers
Day9 - This Keyword
Day1 - Introduction to jquery
Day2 - Basic selectors
Day3 - Ajax
Day4 - Ajax states
Day5 - Jquery Effects
Day6 – Plugins
Content Management
Day1 - Introduction to Wordpress
Day2 - Post
Day3 - Category
Day4 - Menus
Day5 - Customisation of Template
Day1 - MVC(Model View Controller)
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