PHP Training Center

PHP Training Center by Online Php Training Academy Training Institute in Kolkata

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Online Php Training Academy Training Institute in Kolkata Last updated Mon, 18-Jul-2022 English

PHP Training Center free videos and free material uploaded by Online Php Training Academy Training Institute in Kolkata .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Level 1

Basic Networking, How Internet works, Language Intro, What is DNS server, Web server,FTP server and HTTP server

how and what requries to create a website, difference between dynamic website and static website.

Small discussion with current technology and benefits of PHP

 Level 2

 Basic HTML Tags with practical

HTML Table,iFrame concept

 Basic Css Ideas with example(External,embeded,inline)

 Level 3

 Introduction to javascript

 Basic Concept and use of JavaScript

 Program with Registration form with JavaScript validation

 Introduction to JQUERY

 JQUERY Selecters

 How to use JQUERY functions

 Level 4

Introduction to PHP variables with all data types, auto type casting

 PHP operators

 Conditional structure with practice

 Flow control with small practice

 Small program with conditions

 Level 5

 PHP array

 Associative array, Numeric array

 Single dimensional array,multi dimensional array

 Foreach for array

 Array function

 Small program with array example

 Level 6

 Intro server variables


 Small program with image upload

 Program with student result image

 Level 7

 Introduction to functions

 Discuss with few important string function

 Date & time function

 How to create user defined function


 Program with simple calculator

 Level 8

File handling(Read-write-update-delete)

 Small practice on file handling

 Directory handling(Create-read-delete)

 A program with files and directory handling including image upload(use txt file as database)

 Level 9

 Intro PHP session

 Use of PHP session(discussion)

 Login/Logout program

 Small program of product shopping cart

 Level 10

 Tips & tricks to search google to resolve problems

 Introduction to forums,blogs,pages,in order to search stuffs

 Mail program

 JavaScript readymade programs

 Free Css Templates

 Level 11

 Intro with MySQL

 Basic concept of database designing

 Intro to PHPMyAdmin

 Level 12

Create a database to perform MySQL stuffs

 MySQL queries

 MySQL clauses and operators and functions

 Level 13


 Practice with joining

 Level 14

 MySQL in PHP(database connection)

 Difference between MySQL_connect and p_connect

 Program to run queries and fetch database

 MySQL fetch queries

 Level 15

 Client interface and Admin interface concept

 MySQL program to ADD/DIT/UPDATE into category and product table

 Dream project at home

 Level 16

 PHP modules intro and GD basics for captcha

 Ready made script practice

 pagination,Captcha images,Mail program,Editor

 Etc etc

 Level 17

 Complete PHP classes and object

 AJAX examples

 Eligible for interviews

 Level 18

 START LIVE PROJECT -if required, generally student gets placed before this.

 Folder structure for website

 c-panel idea

 Database setup

 File uploads

 Payment gateway(

 PHP securities

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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PHP Kolkata” provides the best PHP training center in Kolkata for getting a golden career in PHP. As a brand we are the Best and professional PHP training institute in Kolkata where we promise to provide you a professional PHP course with guaranteed job support, which would be relevant to your ability and domain. We have an expert team of IT professionals who teach advanced PHP courses in Kolkata.Here you can directly connect to our students who are experts in PHP, through our unique PHP Job Portal and Facebook social media which will help you to boost up your career.

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