pl/sql Training Provided by Technogeeks Training Institute in Pune,Aundh
pl/sql free videos and free material uploaded by Technogeeks Training Institute staff .
Retriving data using the SQL select statement]
Restricting and sorting data
Using single row function to customize output.
Reporting aggregated data using the grout function.
Displaying data from multiple tables –I
Displaying data from multiple tables-II
Using sub queries to solve problems
Using set operators
Manipulating data
Using DDL statements to create and manage tables
Creating other schema objects
Managing objects with data dictionary
Controlling User access
Managing schema objects
Manipulating large data sets
Generating report by grouping related data
Managing data in different time zones
Retrieving data using sub queries
Hierarchical retrieval
Regular expression support PL/SQL:
Declaring Variables
Writing Executable Statements
Interacting with Oracle Server
Writing Control Structures
Working with Composite Data Types
Writing Explicit Cursors
Writing Implicit Cursors
Handling Exceptions
Creating Procedures
Creating Functions
Managing Subprograms
Creating Packages
More Package concepts
Oracle supplied Packages
Manipulating Large Objects
Creating Database Triggers
More Trigger concepts
Managing Dependents
Overview of Architecture
Physical Structure
Logical Structure
Memory Structure
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