Plates and Shells by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Plates and Shells free videos and free material uploaded by Guwahati Staff .
Week-1 Introduction to plate theory and background
Week-2 Navier's method for rectangular plate
Week-3 Levy's method for rectangular plate
Week-4 Axi-symmetrical Bending of Circular Plate
Week-5 Approximate methods for bending of plate
Week-6 Buckling of thin plate
Week-7 Approximate methods for buckling of thin plate
Week-8 Introduction to shell structures and shell geometry
Week-9 Membrane theory for surface of revolution
Week-10 Membrane theory of pressure vessels
Week-11 Membrane analysis for cylindrical shell roof
Week-12 General theory of cylindrical shell
Plates and shells exhibit two dimensional structural actions that result in stronger, thinner and lighter structures and therefore, have economic advantage. This has opened the scope for the wide use of such elements in all fields of engineering due to significant increase of strength/weight ratio. This course is usually taught in Master’s degree level either as separate elective subject or including some principal topics in Continuum Mechanics. The exposure to this course and its completion are very essential in understanding the behaviour of thin structures for their applications in design. The proposed course is framed for post graduate level elective subjects for 12 weeks duration. The syllabus includes various topics of the linear elastic plate and shell theories, formulation of problems for different load cases and boundary conditions, finding closed form solutions and discussions of their limitations. The approximate methods, in case the closed form solutions are not available have also been included in the syllabus. The course is divided into 12 modules in which each module consists of 3 or 4 lecture hours. The assignment after the end of each module in MCQ/ Fill in the blanks or problem solving mode will be offered to the participants and asked to submit for evaluation. Evaluation is planned in off-line mode.
INTENDED AUDIENCE : Master degree/ PhD students
PRE REQUISITE :BE (Civil/ Mechanical/ Aerospace Engg)
SUPPORTED INDUSTRIES : Aeronautics Research & Development Board, Delhi; Indian Space Research Org., Bangalore
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