Public Library Management by University of Michigan
Public Library Management free videos and free material uploaded by University of Michigan Staff .
Course 1: Identifying Community Needs for Public Library Management
Learn how to conduct research, surveys, and interviews as well as how to analyze data to better assess the local needs and wants of a public library community.
Course 2: Managing a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace for Public Libraries
Learn management skills to support workplace diversity and inclusion in a public library setting.
Course 3: Personnel Management for Public Libraries
Learn the foundational principles of personnel management and leadership.
Course 4: Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries
Understand financial concepts as well as effective practices in budgeting and auditing for library managers at all levels.
Course 5: Infrastructure Management for Public Libraries
Learn how library managers and directors make key operational decisions regarding maintenance, insurance, technology, and more
Course 6: Strategic Planning for Public Libraries
Learn how to develop, implement, and adapt a strategic plan to fit the needs of your library.
Course 7: Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries
Learn how to increase your impact, innovate, and overcome often static funding through various fundraising and grant writing approaches.
Course 8: Public Library Marketing and Public Relations
Learn how to develop effective marketing and PR strategies to help share your library’s programs, services, and value with the broader community.
Whether you earned a library science degree or entered the profession from another career, this Professional Certificate program will help you take your career as a public library manager or director to the next level. With our team of professors and expert practitioners, you’ll hone your skills in budgeting and finance, personnel, diversity, identifying community needs, strategic planning, managing infrastructure, marketing, and grant writing.
The program will be taught through job-embedded assignments that will help make the learning relevant while strengthening your capabilities. Those who complete the program and earn the Professional Certificate will be well-prepared for public libraries’ common management responsibilities.
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