Python course curriculum

Python course curriculum by 6benches Training Institute Bangalore

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by 6benches staff Last updated Tue, 03-May-2022 English

Python course curriculum free videos and free material uploaded by 6benches staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Python Overview :

Python, Implementations, Distributions

The Python Environment :

Installation, Documentation, Editors and IDE’s, Basic Syntax, Running a Script

Getting Started :

Keywords, DataTypes, Variables, assign values to variables, multiple assignments, Space Indentation, Quotes, Comments, Print(), Type(), Id( ) Functions, input(), raw_input() functions, How to read the data from keyboard, Type conversions, Number systems, Mutable and Immutable objects.

String Handling :

Single-quoted string literals, Triple-quoted string literals, Indexing, Slicing, String Functions, String Methods.

Operators :

Arithmetic Relational Logical Assignment Short Hand Assignment Bitwise Membership Identity operators Operator Precedence 'is' operator and '= =' operator. Control Flow Statements

Conditional Statements

Looping Statements :

While, Infinite while, While-else, For, For loop-else, Nested loops

Control Statements :

Break, Continue, Exit

Collection Objects/Collection Data Types :

Sequence & Non Sequence Collection Objects

Sequence Collection Objects

List ,Tuple :

Non-Sequence Collection Objects: Set, Frozenset, Dict(sequence and non sequence) :

Functions :

Types of Functions, Built-in Vs User-Defined, Defining, calling, Parameters(Default vs non-default), Arguments(Call by value vs reference, non/keyword, Arbitrary, collections, functions), ReturningValues, Function recursion, Function Variables(Local, Global), Variable scope, Lambda function.

Advanced Python

OOPs concepts :

Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Data Abstraction Class and Object Definition, Creation, static & non-static variables, methods(static, Instance, Constructors, Destructors), Garbage collection, Built-in/custom attributes of a class, over loading & over riding, access modifiers.

Modules :

defining, Importing, Renaming,reloading, search path, Dir function, Standard modules (Math, Random, Datetime and time, Os and sys, String, etc).

Packages :

creating, Importing, Renaming

Multi Threading :

Defining, starting, Life Cycle, Scheduling, sleep, synchronization(Semaphore, Locks, Events, Condition Variables)

Errors and Exception Handling :

Syntax & Runtime Errors, Multiple Exceptions(Built-in & User defined) and Nested handling(try, except, Finally)

File Handling

Serialization and de-serialization

Database Access :

DB Connections, Executing SQL queries.

Command Line Arguments

Regular Expressions :

Wild card characters, Forming regular expressions, Character classes, Quantifiers, Greedy matches, Grouping, Match, Search functions, matching/searching, Sub function splitting a string, Replacing text, Flags.

Advanced concepts in python :

Iterators Generators Closure's Decorators Working with JSON files Working with CSV files


Introduction Web-applications & Frameworks

Introduction to Django :

Features, MVT Design pattern, Architecture Django Environment & project setup :

View :

Http Request & response, GET & Post), csrf_token Types of views(Function Vs Class Based) MIME & MIME types?

Template :

variable, tag, languages, filter

Model :

fields & relationships Migrations

Django ORM :

CRUD operations, managers, Query Set, lookup Django Admin :

Forms :

fields, attributes, validation, ModelForm, meta class

Cookies :

read, delete


set, read, delete

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Having experience of working with thousands of our client companies, we can foresee the future demand for technology in companies. Having millions of users access to internet and digital revolution happening across urban and rural areas, companies need to serve the people faster, and efficiently to millions of users. This created huge demand in digital technologies, like, full stack web development, data science and machine learning. As these technologies were new to the market, skilled full stack developers, data scientists and machine learning engineers were in shortage compared to the demand at companies. Companies have huge competition to attract the limited number of engineers available in the market.

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