Video, PPT, lecture notes, assignments, question papers for jntuk, jntuh, jntua, vtu, bput, anna universities
Quality management free videos and free material uploaded by Bhanu Prasad .
Course objectives:
Course outcomes:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Ability to procure the required materials by evaluation of suppliers.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Ability to design the suitable organizational structure to fit the company vision
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Ability to maintain good quality with the use of control charts.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->Ability to find out the defects with suitable corrective measures.
QUALITY CONCEPTS: Evolution of Quality Control, concept change, TQM Modern concept, Quality concept in design, Review of design, Evolution of proto type.
CONTROL ON PURCHASED PRODUCT: Procurement of various products, evaluation of supplies, capacity verification, Development of sources, procurement procedure.
MANUFACTURING QUALITY: Methods and techniques for manufacture, inspection and control of product, quality in sales and services, guarantee, analysis of claims.
QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Organization structure and design, quality function, decentralization, designing and fitting, organization for different type products and company, economics of quality value and contribution, quality cost, optimizing quality cost, seduction program.
HUMAN FACTOR IN QUALITY: Attitude of top management, cooperation of groups, operators attitude, responsibility, causes of apparatus error and corrective methods.
CONTROL CHARTS: Theory of control charts, measurement range, construction and analysis of R charts, process capability study, use of control charts.
ATTRIBUTES OF CONTROL CHART: Defects, construction and analysis of charts, improvement by control chart, variable sample size, construction and analysis of C charts.
Defects diagnosis and prevention defect study, identification and analysis of defects, correcting measure, factors affecting reliability, MTTF, calculation of reliability, building reliability in the product, evaluation of reliability, interpretation of test results, reliability control, maintainability, zero defects, quality circle.
ISO-9000 and its concept of Quality Management
ISO 9000 series, Taguchi method, JIT in some details.
This course belongs to all engineering branches
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