RPA training is provided by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute in Bangalore,BTM
RPA free videos and free material uploaded by ExcelR Solutions Training Institute staff .
Module 1 - Robotic
Process Automation
What is RPA? What’s not!
Why RPA?
All RPA tools, Top 4 RPA tools and their Platform,
Environment, Features & Limitation.
What is SPA? Next generation of RPA!
Automation Market.
Automation Drivers.
Automation Economics.
Automation Challenges.
Automation Strategy.
Automation Implementation.
Robotics Bot.
Cognitive Bot.
Chat Bot.
Future of RPA, AI, Machine Learning, Cognitive computing
IBM Watson, Microsoft bot framework, Cortona Skills, Current
Development on Cognitive services & Products by Microsoft, Google, Amazon
& others.
Installation , Configuration & Troubleshooting of
Workfusion RPA Platform
Semantic and syntax
Excel Automation
DOS, emulator automation
API Automation (APIs, File Exchange, Database, ETL).
Web Scraping and Crawling (static web applications/sites).
Web Automation (dynamic web applications/sites).
Desktop Automation (legacy applications and Internet
Explorer applications).
Surface Automation (screen-only tools, image recognition).
Cognitive Automation (unstructured data).
Email Automation.
OCR Automation.
Control room, Orchestrator, Control tower and bot monitor.
Discussion, tips & tricks and networking
Module 2 - Blue Prism
Introduction to RPA and Blue prism
Process Flow
Inputs and Outputs
Business Objects and Process Layers
Error Management – Exceptional Handling
Case Management – Work Queues
Release Manager and Logging
Environmental Locking and Credentials
Surface Automation
Module 3 -
Introduction To RPA And Blue Prism
Intro to Cognitive Automation
Setting up and getting started with Blue Prism
Development Best Practices
Application Types – Main Frame, Java, and Browser-Based
Basic skills
Running a process
Module 4 - Process
Rule-based decisions
Collections, Circular paths, and Loops
Layers of Logic
Pages for Organization
Controlling Play – Debug mode – Step in/ out / over
Module 5 - Inputs And
Inputs, Output and Startup Parameters
Data item Visibility
Data types
Control Room
Process Outputs
Module 6 - Business
Objects And Process Layers
Object studio and Process studio, differences
Action Stages
Application Modeler
Spying Elements
BO stages
Attach and Detach
Action inputs and outputs
Data items as Inputs
Module 6 - Error
Management – Exceptional Handling
Recover and Resume
Throwing Exceptions
Preserving the Current Exceptions
Exception Bubbling & Exception Blocks
Exceptional Handling in Practice
Module 7 - Case
Management – Work Queues
Queue Items
Work Queue Configuration
Pause and Resume
Module 8 - Release
Manager & Logging
Safe Stop
Collection Actions
Choice Stage
Log Viewer
System Manager
Process / Business Object grouping
Process and Object references
Export and Import
Packages and Releases
Module 9 -
Environmental Locking, Credentials And Other Additional Features
Undefined Collections
Data item Initialization and Exposure
Casting, Code stage, and Run Mode
Initialize and Clean up Pages
Attribute Tinkering
Dynamic Attributes and Relative positions
Active Accessibility
Application Manager Mode
Global send keys and Clicks
Command Line, Resource PC
Module 10 - Surface
Introduction to Surface Automation on Thin client
applications (Region Mode)
Training Application and Object Model
Interacting with Application Elements (Text boxes, Combo
boxes, buttons etc.)
Tabulated Data
Alternate text input methods
Adding Robustness and Performance
Fonts & Character Conflicts
Sending Key events and Special key
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an automation approach
that uses the screens of underlying applications, just like people do. RPA
solutions are external to the applications they drive, and are not otherwise
integrated with those applications. Most of the robotic automations are focused
on the tasks or incremental elements of work, which in aggregate, form more
complex processes. As such, the focus is on standardized, routine, predictable,
and rule-based activities that do not require expert judgment, intuition, or
collaborative decision-making.
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