Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails Training Provided by learntek

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by learntek staff Last updated Tue, 17-May-2022 English

Ruby on Rails free videos and free material uploaded by learntek staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

An Overview Of Ruby on Rails

What is Ruby on Rails?

Overview of Rails Components

Installing Rails

A Simple Rails Application

Starting the Rails Server

Static Pages Within a Rails Application

The Structure of a Rails Application

Generating a Controller

Rendering the View

Adding a Static Page

Dynamic Pages with Embedded Ruby

Using the render Method

Using the link_to Method

Rails and HTML Forms

A Basic HTML Form

Processing an HTML Form

Working With Form Data

Other Form Elements

Form Tag Helpers

Databases and Rails

Review of the MVC Architecture

Entities and Relationships

Databases and Models

Rails Database Conventions

Adding a Model

Database Migrations

The Rails Database Console

Creating a Rails View of a Database Table


RESTful Routes and Resource

Form Helpers and Validation


Form Helpers and form_for

Processing Form Helpers

From Form to Database


Data Validation

Validation Helpers

The presence Validator

The numericality Validator

The uniqueness Validator

The length Validator

The format Validator

Custom Validation Methods

The errors Object

Displaying Validation Errors in the View

Adding Style to an Application


Rails and Sass

Cascading Style Sheets



Configuring an Application for Sessions

Registering Users

The Register Action

The flash Hash

Validating the Registration

Logging in

Logging Out

Protected Pages


Putting it All Together


The Business Application

Database Terminology

Linking Two Models

Adding Tasks

The Database Tables

Displaying Employee Tasks

Deleting a Task

Listing Employees and Tasks


Editing a Record


Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Ruby on Rails is an open source multilevel web development framework. This high-level technology ensures faster time frames for development, flexible and advanced development process and better site performance. Rails also helps make website development and its maintenance more cost-effective compared to other popular web development technologies.

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