SAP MDG Training Provided by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute in Pune
SAP MDG free videos and free material uploaded by 3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd Training Institute staff .
Introduction to SAP MDG
Overview of SAP MDG
Configure MDG Material / Supplier Out of the Box. Reuse mode
Data Modelling
ER modeling
SMT mapping
Extending MDG Standard data model for Reuse mode. BAD is for Data modelling
Ul Modelling
Floorplan Manger {FPM) Basics
Linking FPM with MDG Ul per workflow step
Configuring the Ul as per user defined criteria
BAD is for Ul modelling
Workflow modelling
Rule based work flow{RBWF)
Create change request types, step types, actions and link to RBWF
linking rule based workflow to MDG Configuring BRF+ decision tables
Linking HR organizational structure to MDG workflow
Extending the workflow as per user defined criteria
BADIs for workflow modeling
Search and Duplicate check
Configuring Search with TREX
Duplicate check configuration.
Validations and Derivations
BRF+ Validations and Derivations
Validations and Derivations using ABAP BADI Cross entity derivation using ABAP BADI
Data Replication
Data replication Framework {DRF)
Enriching MDG standard code or features to user requirement
File Upload/Download
User exits
linking change request Ul s to NWBC Creating new roles for MDG
SAP MDG is a customized data management system that SAP provides for Master Data validation, servicing, and allocation. The SAP MDG is an excellent complement to the SAP ERP system and the SAP Business Suite. This combination supports maintenance activities, results in dramatic gains in Master Data quality, and assures legal enforcement. Furthermore, the automated workflow of the SAP MDGs enables the acceleration and stabilization of business and repair processes.
Companies are increasing in size and globalizing as MDG allows for a Master Data volume of up to one million records per object. As a result, they will bear the responsibility of operating an effective Master Data management unit. Master Data that is dependable and trustworthy serves as the basis for all company activities. Variations in consumer addresses, payment conditions, or risk product details may trigger substantial delays in the workflow.
Misleading deliveries, payment settlement, and so on are examples. Furthermore, the differences cause complete commodity deliveries to fail to reach their final recipients. This situation exposes businesses to considerable financial risk and raises the possibility of making erroneous management decisions as a result of inconsistent outcomes.
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