SAP SuccessFactors Training Provided by Revanth Technologies Training Institute in Hyderabad
SAP SuccessFactors free videos and free material uploaded by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff .
Why Cloud?
Why SuccessFactors?
SuccessFactors Core & Talent Management modules Overview
Role of Professional Services Consultant
SuccessFactors BizX methodology
Accelerators, Configuration workbooks, Estimators, etc.
SuccessFactors BizXpert architecture
Business Execution process in detail
Understanding SuccessFactors terminology
Introduction to Instance
Introduction to Provisioning
Partner Portal, Community, SuccessStore, etc.
Home-page acquaintance
Portlets, Dashboards, Tile browser
Navigating Main Menu, Welcome Menu
To-Do list, Admin. Tools a glance
Welcome Menu Options
My favorites list
Search functionality
Help &tutorials
to Mastery)
Personalizing the Instance
Welcome Portlets
Company logo, Theme manager
Theme manager, e-mail notifications, etc
Introduction to Organization chart
Directory in Org. chart
Resources in Org chart
Personal card in detail
Introduction to Position Org. Chart
Add lower position
Add peer position
Manage position
Introduction to Position Org. Chart (cont..)
Internal number ranges
Advanced position management
Internal number ranges to Position
Introduction to Data (.csv) files
Export employee
Import employee
Manage employee
Corporate data model
Succession data model
Country-Specific Corporate data model
Country-Specific Succession data model
Foundational Objects configuration
Organizational Foundational Objects
Job Foundational Objects
Pay Foundational Objects
Generic Objects, Cost center
Other FO, Workflow configuration
Other FO, Event reason
Other FO, Dynamic role
Introduction to Proxy management
Add/Hire new Employee
Understanding New Hire workflow
Monitoring Workflows
Introduction to Employee profile
Employee Self Service
Manager Self Service
Data Change workflow
Introduction to Role Based Permissions (RBP)
User Permissions, Administrator Permissions
Permission Roles, Permission Groups
Manage Security
Introduction to Extended Markup Language (XML)
Working with XML pad
Document Type Definition (DTD) files
Creating/Modifying Rules
Introduction to MDF (Meta Data Framework)
Generic Objects – Cost Centers
Manage Advance Objects
Manage Configuration UI
Picklist Management
Working with Propagation rules
EC – Payroll Overview
Leave of Absence - Overview
Introduction to Time Off
Define Holiday calendar and work schedule
Define Time type and Time profiles
Set up Time Off for Employees
Write a public review