SAP WM Training Provided by Revanth Technologies Training Institute in Hyderabad
SAP WM free videos and free material uploaded by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff .
Introduction to
Warehouse Management
Warehouse management overview in SAP R/3
Organization Data
Warehouse Structure
Organization Data /
Define Warehouse Organization structure
Warehouse number
Storage type
Storage section
Storage Bin
Storage Bin Structure
Storage Bin Types
Picking Area
Storage unit
Quant etc...
Master Data
Material Master
Transfer Requirement
Number Range for TR
Create Transfer requirement Manually
Create Transfer requirement Automatically
Settings for Automatic TR Creation
Convert TR to TO
Posting change notice
Number Range for PCN
Create Posting change Notice Manually
Creating PCN Automatically
Convert PCN to TO
Transfer Order
Number Range for TO
Create Transfer Order Manually
Create TO w.r.t Transfer Requirement
Create TO w.r.t Posting change notice no
Create TO w.r.t Material document
Create TO w.r.t Inbound delivery with ASN – Advanced
Shipping Notification
Confirm the Transfer Order
Cancel the Transfer Order
Delete TO
Block and Unblock Storage Bins, Quants, Storage Types
Print TO
Set Up Auto T.O. Creation for TR’s and PCN’S
Set Up 2 – Step Picking for TR’S
Automatic TO Creation and Confirmation
Put away Strategies
Next to empty bin
Addition to existing bin
Open Storage
Fixed bin strategy
Picking Strategies
Shelf life expired -SLED
Stringent FIFO
Warehouse Management
Business Scenario's (MM)
MM Flow with Interface with WM
Material Documents Processing in WM
GR and GI with WM
Transfer Posting in WM
Plant to Plant
Sloc to Sloc
Stock TO Stock
Schema Group Vendor
STO – Stock Transport Order using WM (MM-SD-WM Interface)
Physical Inventory
Processes in WM
Create Physical inventory record
Enter count results
Clear the difference in WM
Clear the difference in IM
Define Movement types
Define Posting Changes
Generate Interim Storage Bins
Activate Automatic T.O. Creation
Allow Negative Stocks in Interim Storage types
Goods Movement (IM) not allowed for storage types
2 Step Picking Process in SD
Batch Management in
Condition Tables
Access Sequence
Strategy Types
WM Batch Search Procedure
Batch Status in WM
Characteristics and class
SLED In Batch in WM
Manual And Automatic Batch Display In WM
WM with QM
WM with PP
WM with SD
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