Selenium Training in Coimbatore by Qtree Technologies Training Institute Coimbatore
Selenium Training in Coimbatore free videos and free material uploaded by Qtree Technologies staff .
Course Agenda
Lesson 1: Core Java Refresher
Keywords and Syntax
variables, operators, and control flows
OOPs overview from Java context
Exception Handling, File and DB handling
Collections overview
Lesson 2: Automation Basics
Fundamentals of test automation
ROI in Automation
Automation framework
Various tools and comparison with Selenium
Lesson 3: Introduction of Selenium WebDriver
What Selenium is and how it is used in the industry
Features of Selenium
Selenium IDE - Overview with a couple of examples
WebDriver Architecture
Installation of Selenium and supporting tools/Frameworks
Lesson 4: Locating Techniques
Simple WebDriver Program Demonstration
Basics of HTML page, tags, attributes, and visible texts
Importance of attributes in locating elements
Installation of Firebug and Firepath in Firefox browser
Locators and Eight Locating Techniques
Creating robust locators using CSS and XPath
Lesson 5: WebDriver Basics – I
Execute Tests in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer
WebDriver Commands: Driving Browsers and Handling Cookies
WebElement Commands
Handling Various WebElements
Locator Strategies
WebDriver Synchronization
Lesson 6: WebDriver Basics - II
Handling Multiple Windows s
Handling Alerts, Pop-ups, and Framess
Limitation of Implicit Wait and how Explicit Wait helpss
Advanced User Interactionss
Taking Screenshotss
Working with Firefox profiless
Handling File Uploads Using AutoITs
Introduction to Flash Application Testing using Selenium WebDriver ,Robots and action classes s
Lesson 7: TestNG
Arranging Tests in 3-As format
F.I.R.S.T Principles and SRP
Various Annotations in TestNG
TestNG configuration file
Configuration Annotations
Attributes of @Test
Parallel Test Execution Capability
Cross Browser Testing
Assertion APIs
Passing Parameters to Tests
TestNG Listeners
Configuring Test Suites
Reports using TestNG
Reports using ReportNG
Lesson 8: WebDriver - Framework
Introduction to various frameworks
Page Object Design Pattern
Data Driven Framework (excel, DB interaction)
Data Driven Tests using TestNG
Introduction to Build Tools( Maven or ANT)
Use of Log4j
Use of Listeners
Typical components of a framework
Overview of BDD, TDD
Code Coverage in Java
Overview of Sikuli tool for UI testing
Introduction to Jenkins
Configuring Jenkins to invoke Selenium Tests
Lesson 9: Selenium Grid
What is Selenium Grid?
When to Use Selenium Grid
Setting up Grid - Hub and Nodes?
Configuring TestNG.xml to run tests on Grid
Lesson 10: Excelenium
Introduction to Selenium Web Automation Using Spreadsheets
Automation Script using spreadsheets in a web-based UI
Single executable jar file with No external dependencies, except the browser drivers and the browsers themselves.
Intuitive Report and log file
Concurrently run tests on the browsers
Supported Browsers - Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Safari (Safari - only on macOS)
Ability to set custom user agent and test mobile browser test scenarios
Lesson 11: Project Execution
Automate an eCommerce Application
Test Automation Requirements Description
What Next? How to Start?
High Level Framework
Configurability—No to Hard-Coding
Modularity—Re-Use And DRY
Test Data Management
Logging and Reporting
Lesson 12: Mobile App Test Automation using Appium
Introduction Mobile App Test Automation
Introduction to Appium
UIAutomator with Appium
Locating Elements - UIAutomator framework
DesiredCapabilities for Android
Qtree Technologies offers best Selenium Training in Coimbatore. Selenium is the software automation testing tool available for software testers these days. Test automation is the use of software application from the software that is being tested to control the test execution and the outcomes that compare with predicted outcomes. Test Automation Training Institute in Coimbatore over the past 10 years has gone through multiple facets of change.
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