Selenium with Java Training is provided by SparkDatabox Training Institute in Anywhere in India
Selenium with Java free videos and free material uploaded by SparkDatabox Training Institute staff .
Section 1: Getting
started with Java programming
Approach to learn
Java programming
Understanding a
program in Java
Installing Java and
Setting up and
understanding Java environment
Extending your First
Java Program
Section 2: Getting
Hands-on with Java
Class Exercise:
Finding Numbers
Class Exercise: Area
of a circle
Class Exercise:
Converting days to months
Class Exercise:
Simple and Compound Interest
Class Exercise: More
Class Exercises and Assignments
Section 3: Java
Language Features
Java Language
Features: Part A
Java Language
Features: Part B
Class Exercise
Running a Java
program from Command line
Java Language
Features: Part C
Java Language
Features: Part D
Class Exercise:
Adding Rounding Off to Simple and Compound Interest
Class Exercise:
Accepting User Inputs
Class Exercise: Class
Example Command Line argument
Escape Sequences
Section 4: Data Types
in Java
Data Types in Java -
Part A
Numeric Data Types
and Interchangeability
More on String Class
Advance String
concepts and classes with examples
Section 5:
Conditional Statements & Loops in Java
Conditional Statement
- IF Else
Class Exercises
Nested IF
Loops: Part One (With
class exercises)
Loops: Part Two (With
class exercises)
Switch Case Statement
Section 6:
Object-Oriented Concepts in Java
Object Oriented
Concepts in Java - Classes & Objects
Class Example: Class
and Object
Access Modifiers and Return
Types - Class Structure
Return Types -
Class Example
Encapsulation &
Inheritance in Java
Class Example:
Section 7: Exception
Handling in Java
Introduction to
Exceptions Handling in Java
Class Example:
Exception Handling
Section 8: File
Handling in Java
Section 9: Arrays in
Section 10:
Collections in Java
Introduction to
Understanding List
Understanding Set and Map
Section 11:
Introduction to Automation Testing & Selenium
Introduction to
Automation Testing
Introduction to
Selenium 3.0
Selenium 3.0 Suite
and components
What's new in
Selenium 3.0
Installing Selenium
Section 12: Selenium
Web Driver Part A
Selenium Webdriver
First Script - Step by Step
Class Q & A
Implementing web
drivers on multiple browsers
GET commands with
Desired Capabilities
& setting up Proxy
Section 13: Locator
Introduction to
Section 14: Web
Driver Part B
Handling Alerts
Q & A - Handling
Simple Assertions
Synchronization - Stale Elements
Completing Add
Student Workflow
Taking Screenshots
Handling Popups in
ACTIONS Class - Drag
and Drop
ACTIONS Class - Mouse
Handling Drop Down
List Boxes
Types of Waits in
Section 15: Web
Driver Part C
Handling Web Table
Part A
Handling Web Table
Part B
Working with KEYS
& Chord for simulating keyboard actions
Handling JavaScript –
JavaScript Executor
Section 16: Web
Driver Part D
Downloading a File
Uploading a File
Working with a Proxy
Section 17: Writing
Test cases with TestNG framework
Installing TestNG
Introduction to
Writing test cases
with TestNG (HMS Project) - Part A
Writing test cases
with TestNG (HMS Project) - Part B
Automating Project
with TestNG (Second Project)
Section 18:
Automation Framework Basics
Automation Framework
Understanding Keyword
driven and Modular Framework
Understanding Modular
Driven Framework
Implementing Modular
Implementing Modular
Implementing Keyword
Driven Framework
Using GitHub
Repository and Keyword Driven Framework
Section 19: Page
Object Model and Page Factory
Page Object Model
(POM) Part A
Page Object Model
(POM) Part B
Section 20: Working
with Git & Maven
Introduction to Maven
and GIT
Building Project with
Using Maven Plugin
Using GIT
Hands-on practice
Section 21:
Windows/Desktop App testing with AutoIT
Introduction to
Writing script for
Desktop app automation
All features of
Hands-on practice
Section 22:
Continuous Integration with Jenkins
Introduction to
Continuous Integration & pipeline
Source Control with
Integration with Jenkins and Maven
Scheduling and
Automating testing with Jenkins
Section 23: Working
with GIT, Maven, and Jenkins
Integrating GIT,
Maven, and Jenkins
Section 24: API
testing with REST Assured
Client-Server Basics
RESTFul basics
Configure REST
Assured with Eclipse
REST API Test using
Rest Assured
Validate Response
Status using Rest Assured
Hands-on practice
Section 25: Real-time
Selenium with Java
project environment setup
Real-time Selenium
with project
Project demonstration
Expert evaluation and
Section 26: You made
Spark Databox
Selenium with Java certification
Interview preparation
Mock interviews
Resume preparation
Knowledge sharing
with industry experts
Counseling to guide
you to the right path in Selenium with Java career
Selenium is the most popular tool in the area of automation
testing, whereas Java, on the other hand, is the most preferred language among
the application developers in today’s market. With Cross Browser Testing,
combine them to run automated browser tests on thousands of real-world mobile
and desktop web applications. Spark DataboxSelenium with JavaCertification
course Training in Coimbatore helps students to master the basic concepts of
web and mobile browser automation and Core Java. With these basics, the course
also enables you to understand the differences and implementation of
keyword-driven and modular-driven frameworks. You will be able to design page
object modeling, Data-driven, and Hybrid Automation frameworks from scratch.
You will also learn deeply about handling the Selenium web driver API
techniques, API testing with REST, Continuous Integration and pipeline,
End-to-end automation, etc. Also, learn to improve your coding skills in
writing the best-optimized code for Automating test cases. This Selenium with
JavaCertification training course in Coimbatore helps learners be familiar with
Page Object Model, TestNG, Git, Maven, Jenkins,log4j, AutoIT, Html Reports,
Excel API, Grid Parallel Testing, and functional testing. After completing this
training from our best Selenium with Java training institute in Coimbatore,
learners can set up and test their own Java for Selenium automation application
that is fast, flexible, and easy to use.
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