SELENIUM with PYTHON Training course provide by ducat IT training School

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by ducatittrainingschool staff Last updated Mon, 09-May-2022 English

SELENIUM with PYTHON Training free videos and free material uploaded by ducatittrainingschool staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Setup and Configuration

  • Python Installation in Windows
  • Configuration of python in window
  • Package Management using PIP
  • IDE Option for Python Development
  • Installing ipython

Understanding Variable and Data Types

  • python Terminal Walkthrough
  • Understanding Objects and References
  • Variables Rules
  • Number Datatypes and Math Operation
  • Number - Exponentiations and Modulo
  • Arithmetic order of precedence
  • Boolean Data Types
  • Working with Strings
  • String Method Part - 1
  • String Method Part - 2
  • More String Slicing and Indexing
  • String Formatting

Advanced Datatypes

  • List and Accessing the Element
  • List Methods
  • Working With Dictionary
  • Nested Dictionary
  • Dictionary Methods
  • Working with tuple

Comparison and Boolean Operators

  • Working with comparators
  • Understanding Boolean Operators
  • Boolean Operator and Order of Precedence

Program Control Flow

  • Conditional Logic - If Else Condition
  • While Loop Demo
  • Break Continue and While / Else
  • For Loop Demo
  • Iterating Multiple List - Using the zip function
  • Using Range function in for loop

Function/Method-Working with reusable code

  • Understanding Method
  • Working with return value
  • Working with positional / optional parameter
  • Understanding Variable Scope
  • More Built in Function

Classes Object Oriented Programming

  • Understanding Object and Class
  • Create your Own Object
  • Create your own Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Method Overriding

Exception Handling

  • Exception Handling Demo
  • finally, and Else Block


  • Built in Modules
  • Create Own Module

Working with files

  • How to write data into a file
  • How to read a File
  • File Handling "With" and "As" Keyword

How to Inspect Elements Different Browsers - Add-Ons

  • Introduction
  • How To Inspect Elements Using Firefox DevTools
  • Firefox Add-On - Try XPath
  • How To Inspect Elements Using Chrome DevTools
  • Chrome Extension - Part 1
  • Chrome Extension - Part 2
  • Tricks To Generate XPath
  • Fire Path Fans -> If you want to use Fire Path

Selenium WebDriver -> Setup and Installation

  • Selenium WebDriver Installation - Windows
  • Selenium 3.x Update
  • Selenium WebDriver 3.x Gecko Driver Setup - Windows

Selenium WebDriver -> Running Tests on Various Browsers

  • Running Tests on Firefox
  • Running Tests on Google Chrome - Windows
  • Requirements to Run Tests On IE
  • Running Tests on Internet Explorer
  • Requirements to Run Tests On Safari
  • Running Tests on Safari

Selenium WebDriver -> Finding Elements

  • Understanding Elements And DOM
  • Find Element by Id and Name
  • Understanding Dynamic Ids and Selenium Exception
  • Find Element by XPath And CSS Selectors
  • Find Element by Link Text
  • Find Element by Class Name and Tag Name
  • Understanding "By" Class
  • How to Find List of Elements

CSS Selectors - Advanced Locators

  • Using Ids With CSS Selectors To Find Elements
  • How To Use Multiple CSS Classes To Find Elements
  • Using Wildcards With CSS Selectors
  • How To Find Child Nodes Using CSS Selectors

Xpath - Advanced Locators

  • Difference Between Absolute And Relative Xpath
  • How to Build An Effective Xpath
  • Using Text To Build An Effective Xpath
  • Build Xpath Using Contains Keyword
  • Build Xpath Using Starts-With Keyword
  • How To Find Parent and Sibling Nodes

Selenium WebDriver -> Working with Web Elements

  • Browser Interactions Introduction
  • Browser Interaction
  • How To Click And Type On A Web Element
  • How To Find The State Of A Web Element (Disabled And Enabled Elements)
  • Radio Buttons And Checkboxes
  • Working With Elements List
  • Understanding Dropdown Elements
  • Working With A Dropdown Element
  • How To Work With Hidden Elements
  • Working With Hidden Elements

Selenium WebDriver -> Useful Methods and Properties

  • How To Get The Text On Element
  • How To Get Value Of Element Attribute
  • Generic Method To Find Elements
  • How To Check If Element Is Present
  • How To Build Dynamic XPath

Selenium WebDriver -> Wait Types

  • Implicit Wait Vs Explicit Wait
  • Implicit Wait
  • Explicit Wait

Selenium WebDriver -> Advanced

  • Calendar Selection Introduction
  • Calendar Selection
  • AutoComplete Introduction
  • AutoComplete
  • How To Take Screenshots
  • Generic Method To Take Screenshots
  • Executing JavaScript Commands
  • How To Find Size Of The Window
  • How To Scroll Element Into View

Selenium WebDriver -> Switch Window and Iframes

  • How To Switch Window Focus
  • Switch To Window
  • How To Work With IFrames
  • Switch ToIFrame
  • Handling JavaScript Popup

Selenium WebDriver -> Working with Actions Class

  • Mouse Hover Actions
  • How to Drag And Drop Element On A Web Page
  • Working with Sliders Actions

Logging Infrastructure

  • Introduction To Logging Infrastructure
  • Changing The Format Of Logs
  • Logger - Console Example
  • Logger - Configuration File Example
  • How to Write A Generic Custom Logger Utility

Unit test Infrastructure

  • Unit test Introduction
  • Writing First Test Case
  • How to Implement Class Level Setup and Teardown Methods
  • How to Assert A Test Method
  • How to Run Code from Terminal
  • How to Create A Test Suite

Pytest -> Advanced Testing Framework

  • Pytest Installation and First Script
  • Pytest Naming Conventions
  • How to Work withPyTest Fixtures
  • Pytest Fixture Update
  • Multiple Ways to Run Test Cases
  • Important Note for Next Lecture
  • Conftest -> Common Fixtures to Multiple Modules
  • How to Maintain Run Order of Tests
  • Running Tests Based on Command Line Arguments
  • Structure Tests in A Test Class
  • How to Return A Value from Fixtures
  • Install PyTest HTML Plugin
  • How to Generate HTML Test Report

Automation Framework - Part 1

  • Automation Framework Introduction
  • Understanding Framework Structure
  • Test Scenario Without Framework
  • Important Note for Next Lectures - Windows
  • Convert Test Case to Page Object Model Framework
  • Refactor Your Page Object Class - Part 1
  • Build Your Custom Selenium Driver Class
  • Refactor Your Page Object Class - Part 2

Automation Framework - Part 2

  • Add Logging to Automation Framework
  • How to Verify Test Case Result
  • Complete Login Page Test Cases
  • Create Conftest To Implement Common Setup Methods
  • Refactor Conftest *** Make Framework More Readable ***

Automation Framework - Part 3

  • How To Assert Without Stopping Test Execution
  • How To Assert Without Stopping Test Execution Part - 1
  • How To Assert Without Stopping Test Execution Part - 2
  • Implement Screenshots In A Framework
  • Taking Screenshots On Test Failure
  • BasePage And Util Concept Introduction
  • Inheriting BasePage Class

Data Driven Testing

  • Setup And Configuration
  • Data Driven Testing
  • Utility To Read CSV Data
  • Multiple Data Sets Test Case
  • Running Complete Test Suite

Running Complete Test Suite

  • How To Manage Navigation In Framework
  • Refactor Login Tests
  • How To Run A Test Suite
  • Running Test Suite On Chrome

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