SEO Training in Kolkata

SEO Training in Kolkata by Online Php Training Academy Training Institute in Kolkata

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Online Php Training Academy Training Institute in Kolkata Last updated Mon, 18-Jul-2022 English

SEO Training in Kolkata free videos and free material uploaded by Online Php Training Academy Training Institute in Kolkata .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Introduction to Search Engines

What is Search Engine

How Search Engine Works

Relation between Search Engine and Website

What is Ranking

What is Search Engine Algorithm

And many mores

Basic for SEO

What is Domain

Difference between Portal and Search Engines

What is SEO

Types of SEO Techniques

Difference between dynamic & static website

Basic HTML / CSS Knowledge

Knowledge About Mobile Friendly Website and Why required for seo

SEO Search Engines, Search Crawlers & Search Bots

What is On pages and Off pages SEO

What Is SERP (search engine result page)

Website Loading Optimization

HTML/CSS Errors, validation and Optimization

HTML Validation for SEO

CSS Validation For SEO

Image Optimization

Alt Tag Optimization

What HTML beautifier

What is Minify

Link Type and Optimization

Optimization Anchor Text

Inbound Links

Outbound Links

Referral Link

Reciprocal Links

Rewrite Url

Dofollow Links

No Follow Links

SEO Keyword Research & Analysis

Market Research

Keyword opportunity

Tools available for Keyword Research

Keyword frequency

Keyword stemming

Keyword Density

Long Tail Keywords

Primary Keywords

Secondary Keywords

Website Design SEO Guidelines

Content Research

Content Guidelines

Create Own Template In theme

Content Optimization

XML Sitemap / URL List Sitemap

H1,H2 Role in SEO

Bold, Italic Role In seo

Mobile SEO Optimization

What is Mobile Optimization?

Mobile SEO Best Practices

Page speed

Optimize titles and meta descriptions

Optimize for local search

Mobile site configuration

Separate mobile URL

What about using an app?

On-page Optimization

The Page Title

Meta Tags

Meta Descriptions & Meta Keywords

Images and Alt Text


Internal Link Building

Bold Text

The Sitemap

Domain Names & Suggestions

Invisible Text

Canonical Tag

Robots txt Optimization

Server and Hosting Check

301 Redirects

Doorway Pages

Duplicate content

404 Error

Creating Robots file

Creating Sitemaps

Basic HTML knowledge

Meta tags creation

In depth site Analysis

Hyperlink Optimization

Broken Links Checking

Meta Description Tags Optimization

Optimization for Multiple Browsers

Meta Keywords Tags Optimization

Google, Yahoo & Bing Site Map Creationn

Bold, Italic effect to main keywords

Google webmasters create and setup

CSS Validation

Image Optimization

Html Validation

Optimization of Keyword

Google Base Feeds

H Tags Optimization (Eg: H1, H2, H3)

HTML Code Clean Up & Optimization

Check Back links

URL Rewrite

Content Formatting

Website Spell Check

Blog Post Heading

url parameters

Competition Analysis

inbound link

Anchor text Optimization

Google Base Feeds

Google Webmaster Tools account setup & monitoring

Tags Optimization (Eg: H1, H2, H3)

Installing Usability Tools on Website

Optimization for Multiple Browsers

SEO Tools

Outbound link

Website Footer Optimization

Off Pages SEO

Search Engine Submission

Link Exchange


Video Promotions

Local Listings & Yellow Pages

Paid Submission

Social Bookmarking Submission

Classifieds Submission

Press release Submission

Guest Post Submission

Integration of page sharing tools

Passing Arrays to Functions

Passing Strings to Functions

Alexa Verification and setup

No follow & Do follow links & their differences.

Profile Creating submission


Directory Submission

Social Bookmarking

Link Baiting

Photo Sharing

Business Reviews

XML Site maps submission

Press Release Submission

Article Submission

Document Sharing

Q/A Submission

Rss feed Submission

Web 2.0 Submission

Blog Designing for the website

Creating Promotional pages on hub pages, squidoo, etc

Website Content Optimization for SEO

The title of your content

The first sentence of your first paragraph

Importance of heading Tag in content

Content Bold, Italic Role

Content image and importance role in SEO.

Contains outbound links

Image alt target keyword

page title contains keyword / phrase

How many content words important for SEO.

Duplicate Content and how effect.

Content length in website

Local SEO Optimization

Knowledge About Local SEO

Google My Business Listing and optimization

Bing Business Listing and optimization

Citation Knowledge

NAP (Name,address,phone) Knowledge

Google review and what is benefit

Webmaster Local Business Markup

Local Business Markup Testing

Google Updates

Panda Update

Penguin Update

Humming Bird

And many more

Wordpress ON Pages Optimization

Meta Title optimization

Meta Description Optimization

Yoast Seo Plugin integration and optimization

Google Webmaster Tools

Releasing the Used Space: Free

Sitemap Create and optimization

And many more

Magento ON Pages Optimization

Meta Title optimization

Meta Description Optimization

Google Webmaster Tools

Sitemap Create and optimization

And many more

Joomla ON Pages Optimization

Meta Title optimization

Meta Description Optimization

Google Webmaster Tools

Sitemap Create and optimization

And many more

Opencart ON Pages Optimization

Meta Title optimization

Meta Description Optimization

Google Webmaster Tools

Sitemap Create and optimization

And many more

PHP/MYSQL ON Pages Optimization

Meta Title optimization

Meta Description Optimization

Google Webmaster Tools

Sitemap Create and optimization

And many more

Video Marketing

Introduction YouTube.

How to Create and Managing an Account

How to Get audience

Social Sharing & Comments.

How to Optimize Submissions

Social Media Marketing

Introduction to Social Media.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Sites

Face book Account Creation.

Face book Page Creation.

Business Promotion with LinkedIn

Google Plus

Increase Face book Likes.

Increase Twitter Follow

Increase YouTube Views

Hash Tag

Benefit Of Hash Tag

And many More

Micro Blogging

What is Blogging

Promotion of Blogs

Submission of Blogs

Creation of Blogs (BlogSpot, word press, Type Pad).

Weekly Postings on Blogs

Commenting on niche Blogs

And many more.

Online Advertisements

Introduction Online Advertisements

Online Advertisements Types

Banner Advertisements

Video Advertisements

Image Advertisements

Face book Advertisement

Google Advertisement.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Fundamentals of Google Analytics

How to Track Location

Tracking Conversions

Monitoring Visitors Behavior

Bounce rate

Website Recovery and Audit

Website analysis and audit

knowledge of different Google Algorithm updates

Recovery from Google Panda (Content) updates

Recovery from Google Penguin (Link) updates

Recovery from Google Hummingbird (Search Queries) updates

Recovery from Google Pigeon (Local) updates.

Recovery from Google EMD (Exact Match

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Are you looking for professional SEO training in Kolkata? If so then you need the best SEO training which is always up to date with the latest Search engine trends. The need for this becomes all the more critical since the trends of Search Engines like Google are very dynamic.  In the present web scenario frequent changes are always being made in the Google algorithms. So you must be ever up to date with the latest trends in the SEO field to be effective. You need the right SEO training which will not only train you about the SEO basics but also keep you abreast with the latest trends in the field.

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