Spring Boot

Naresh it provide Spring Boot online training and coaching

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 3 Students enrolled
Created by Naresh it staff Last updated Sat, 05-Jun-2021 English

Spring Boot free videos and free material uploaded by Naresh it staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Introduction to spring boot

  • Types of software architectures
  • SOA and Monolith Architecture
  • Why Microservices
  • Detailed MicroService Architecture
  • App Layer
  • Business Layer
  • Enteprise Layer
  • Infra Layer
  • Need of Spring Boot
  • Difference between Spring & Spring Boot
  • Advantages with Micro Services

Building Spring Boot application 

  • Normal Spring Manual Approach
  • Maven Overview
  • Spring Initializer
  • STS
  • Eclipse with STS Plugin
  • Understanding the Spring Boot auto configuration

Rest Annotation with In Memory Database & CRUD Operations

  • H2
  • Derby
  • HSQL
  • Redis Cache
  • PostMan or Swagger Overview

Rest Annotation with Relation DB

  • MySql
  • PostGresSQL

JPA Repository Concepts

  • Crud Repository
  • JPA Query Concepts
  • NamedQueries
  • QueryAnnotation
  • AsyncResults
  • Pagination and Sorting

Actuator Concepts

  • Production Monitoring
  • Health Check Concepts
  • Security Measurements

Spring Boot Custom Logging

  • Logging Level
  • Patterns Changes
  • Rolling Logs

Spring Boot Profile Components

  • Introduction
  • Multiple Properties
  • YML File
  • Command Line Runner Example
  • Real time scenarios of components

Auto Configuration

  • Introduction
  • @Conditional Flow
  • Customize conditional annotations
  • Spring Boot built in conditional annotations

Thymleaf Concepts

  • Introduction
  • Example on Web Application
  • Validatins on Web Applications
  • Internalization i18n Concepts

Integration with Spring Web

  • Using Spring Web MVC
  • Using Spring Restful
  • Need of embedded servers & customization 

Spring Boot Security

  • Basics
  • Basic Authentication
  • Form Based Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Role Based Access Control
  • Attribute Based Access Control
  • LDAP Based
  • SSL Security
  • TLS Security

Database Concepts

  • Spring JDBC
  • Database to CSV
  • Spring Batch
  • Flyway Database Migration
  • Liquid Database Migration
  • Flyway vs Liquid
  • Hikari Connection Pool

Core Concepts

  • Spring Boot AOP
  • Spring Boot Cache
  • Guava Cache integration
  • Caffenine Cache
  • EH Cache
  • MultiResourceItemReader
  • Spring MVC vs JAX-RS
  • SprinBoot with Jersey
  • Junit Integration
  • Rest Integration Test Cases

Micro Services

  • Micro Services Introduction
  • Principle and Characteristics
  • Use cases and Benefits
  • Challenges
  • Design standards
  • Micro Services Communication
  • Synchronous
  • Asynchronous
  • Pitfalls

Micro Services Design Considerations

  • Micro Services per JVM?
  • Micro Services share the data stores?
  • Micro Services Transaction boundaries
  • User Interfaces integration with Micro Services
  • Challenges in Micro Services implementation

Spring Cloud

  • Introduction
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Cloud application benefits

Spring Cloud Config

  • Introduction
  • Setup version control repository
  • Integration with repository


  • Introduction
  • Eureka Server & Eureka Client
  • Feign Client
  • Ribbon

Fault Tolerance Concepts

  • Circuit Breaker Pattern
  • Hystrics Concepts, Hystrix Dashboard

API Gateway

  • Introduction to ZUUL
  • Design standards
  • Integration

Messaging Queue Concepts (CloudBus)

  • Apache KAFKA
  • RabbitMQ
  • JMS

Oatuh2 Concepts

  • Client Types
  • Protocol End Points
  • Grant Types
  • Implantation with Token Based
  • JWT Tokens

Swagger API

  • Introduction
  • Integration

Cloud Hosting

  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry Account Setup
  • Hosting to Pivotal
  • AWS Account Setup
  • Hosting to AWS
  • Enabling cloud features like load balancing, security

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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Attend Spring Boot Training by Expert. Spring Boot is a powerful framework, used to build web applications quickly with less code. The Course will cover how to use Spring Boot to build the various projects with knowledge.

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