Statistical Signal Processing by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Statistical Signal Processing free videos and free material uploaded by Guwahati Staff .
Week 1 & 2 : Introduction; Stationary processes: Strict sense and wide sense stationarity; Correlation and spectral analysis of discrete-time wide sense stationary processes, white noise, response of linear systems to wide-sense stationary inputs, spectral factorization
Week 2, 3 & 4 : Parameter estimation: Properties of estimators, Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator (MVUE Cramer Rao bound, MVUE through Sufficient Statistics, Maximum likelihood estimation- properties. Bayseaen estimation-Minimum Mean-square error(MMSE) and Maximum a Posteriori(MAP) estimation
Week 5 : Signal estimation in white Gaussian noise– MMSE, conditional expectation; Linear minimum mean-square error( LMMSE ) estimation-–, orthogonality principle and Wiener Hoff equation
Week 6 : FIR Wiener filter, linear prediction-forward and backward predictions, Levinson-Durbin Algorithm, application –linear prediction of speech
Week 7 : Non-causal IIR wiener filter, Causal IIR Wiener filtering
Week 8, 9 & 10: Iterative and adaptive implementation of FIR Wiener filter: Steepest descent algorithm, LMS adptive filters, convergence analysis, least-squres(LS) method, Recursive LS (RLS) adaptive filter, complexity analysis, application- neural network
Week 10 & 11: Kalman filters: Gauss -Markov state variable models; innovation and Kalman recursion, steady-state behaviour of Kalman filters
Week 12: Review; Conclusions.
Many practical signals are random in nature or modelled as random processes. Statistical Signal Processing involves processing these signals and forms the backbone of modern communication and signal processing systems.This course will the three broad components of statistical signal processing: random signal modelling, estimation theory and detection theory.
PRE- REQUISITES : A Basic Course in Probability
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