String Theory and Holographic Duality by Prof. Hong Liu via MIT
String Theory and Holographic Duality free videos and free material uploaded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Staff .
Part 1. Hints for holography
Weinberg–Witten no–go theorem
Bekenstein bound
Part 2. Introducing the gauge / gravity duality
Part 3. A duality tool box
Part 4. Holographic renormalization group flows
Part 5. Insights into many-body systems
Part 6. Insights into quantum gravity
Part 7. Status of the duality
This string theory course focuses on holographic duality (also known as gauge / gravity duality or AdS / CFT) as a novel method of approaching and connecting a range of diverse subjects, including quantum gravity / black holes, QCD at extreme conditions, exotic condensed matter systems, and quantum information.
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