SUCCESS MANTRA, Ducat IT training School, Online Course, Training Institute

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by ducatittrainingschool staff Last updated Wed, 20-Apr-2022 English

SUCCESS MANTRA free videos and free material uploaded by ducatittrainingschool staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?



  • Declaration & Initialization
  • Floating Point Issues, Control Instructions,
  • Structure, Union Enum, Functions,
  • C Pre Processors, Pointers, Arrays, Strings,
  • Expressions, Input/Output, Extern,
  • Bitwise Operators, Typedef, Const, Static,
  • Memory Allocation, Command Line Augments
  • Variable No. of Arguments, Complicated Declarations
  • Introduction, main() function
  • if statement, if and else
  • if, else if and else, switch statements


  • while loop
  • do-while loop
  • for loop
  • break
  • continue


  • String Basics
  • Program to find the Length of the String using builtin function
  • Program to find the length of the String with out using built in function
  • Program to find the length of the String using while loop
  • Program to find the length of the String using do-while loop
  • Program to find the length of the String using for loop
  • Program to copy one String into another string
  • Program to reverse a String using global variables
  • Program to reverse a String using local variables
  • Program to compare two String without using builtin functions
  • Program to check whether string is palindrome or not
  • Program to concatenate two strings
  • Program to convert a string from lower case to upper case
  • Program to print the ASCII equivalent of alphabets in a string
  • Program to count the number of Vowels, Consonants and special symbols in a string
  • Program to replace a Vowel with a special symbol


  • Pointer basics, Reading different types of pointer
  • Pointer creation, Pointer usage, Pointer to Strings
  • Program to copy one string to another using pointer
  • Parameter Passing Techniques in C
  • Pass by value, Pass by reference
  • Memory allocation techniques
  • Static memory allocation
  • Dynamic memory allocation




  • Array Basics, Stack Basics
  • Difference between Arrays and Stacks
  • Program to Push,Pop and Display operation on Stacks
  • Queue basics
  • Program to Insert an element at rear of Queue
  • Program to Delete an element at the beginning of Queue
  • Program to display elements in Queue
  • Circular Queue
  • Program to Insert an element in a circular queue
  • Program to delete an element in a circular queue
  • Program to display elements in a circular queue
  • Program to insert, delete and display elements in a circular queue using pointers
  • Structures
  • Double Ended Queue
  • Polish Notation

Singly Linked Lists

  • Singly LinkedLists
  • Basics of singly LinkedList
  • Program to insert an element at front in singly linked list
  • Program to insert an element at rear in singly linked list
  • Program to delete an element from front in singly linked list
  • Program to delete an element from rear in singly linked list
  • Program to display elements in a singly linked list
  • Program to insert an element at use is specific position
  • Program to delete an element from user's specific position
  • Sort linked list
  • Reverse link list

Doubly Linked Lists

  • Basics of Doubly LinkedList
  • Program to insert an element at front in doubly linked list
  • Program to insert an element at rear in doubly linked list
  • Program to delete an element from front in doubly linked list
  • Program to delete an element from rear in doubly linked list
  • Program to display elements in a doubly linked list
  • Program to insert an element at use is specific position
  • Program to delete an element from user's specific position

Circular Linked Lists

  • Circular Linked Lists, Basics of Circular LinkedList
  • Program to insert an element at front in Circular linked list
  • Program to insert an element at rear in Circular linked list
  • Program to delete an element from front in Circular linked list
  • Program to delete an element from rear in Circular linked list
  • Program to display elements in a Circular linked list
  • Program to insert an element at use is specific position
  • Program to delete an element from user's specific position

Stacks and queues

  • Program to concatenate two linked lists
  • Program to count the number of nodes in the linked list
  • Program to add the data nodes of in the linked list
  • Program to reverse a linked list
  • Program to search an element in a linked list
  • Program to delete a node in the linked list
  • Program to insert an element towards the left of data node in linked list
  • Program to insert an element towards the right of data node in linked list
  • Program to find minimum element in the linked list
  • Program to find maximum element in the linked list
  • Program to count the number of even and odd number of elements in a linked list

Static and Dynamic memory Location

  • Program to compare two linked lists
  • Program to delete duplicate element in a linked list

Tree Basics

  • Pre order traversal, Post order traversal, In order traversal
  • Program to create a Binary Search Tree
  • Program to find a minimum element in a Binary Search Tree
  • Program to find a maximum element in a Binary Search Tree
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Threaded Binary Search Tree
  • Heep Tree


Introduction to SQL

  • Categorize the different types of SQL statements
  • Software Installation
  • Database Creation
  • Log on to the database

Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement

  • Select Table Data With All Columns
  • Select Table Data With Specific Columns
  • Use Arithmetic Operators
  • Use Concatenation Operators
  • Use Column Alias
  • DESCRIBE command to display the table structure
  • Use of Distinct

Learn to Restrict and Sort Data

  • Use WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved
  • Between , In() , Is Null and Like
  • ORDER BY clause to sort Data

Use of DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables

  • Create a simple table
  • Alter and Truncate Table
  • Drop Table and Concept of Recyclebin

Data Manipulation Statements

  • Describe each DML statement
  • Insert rows into a table
  • Change rows in a table by the UPDATE statement
  • Delete rows from a table with the DELETE statement
  • Save and discard changes with the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements


  • Stop Entry of Invalid Data Through CONSTRAINTS
  • Add Primary Key , Foreign Key
  • Not Null , Unique and Check Constraints

Usage of Functions to Customize Output

  • Differences between single row and multiple row functions
  • Manipulate strings with character function in the SELECT and WHERE clauses
  • Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions
  • Manipulate dates with the DATE functions

Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

  • Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion
  • Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions
  • Nest multiple functions
  • Use of Case Expression

Aggregate Data Using the Group Function

  • Use the aggregation functions to produce meaningful reports
  • Divide the retrieved data in groups by using the GROUP BY clause
  • Exclude groups of data by using the HAVING clause

Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins

  • Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table
  • View data that does not meet join condition by using outer joins
  • Join a table to itself by using a self-join

Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries

  • Describe the types of problem that sub-queries can solve
  • Define sub-queries
  • Write single-row and multiple-row sub-queries
  • Use of Exists

Other Schema Objects

  • Create a View
  • Retrieve data from views
  • Create, maintain, and use sequences
  • Create and maintain indexes
  • Create synonyms

Control User Access

  • Create Users
  • System Privileges & Object Privileges
  • Granting Privileges
  • Manage Privileges Through Role
  • Revoke Object Privileges


Quantitative Ability Test

  • Basic Mathematics
  • Divisibility
  • HCF and LCM
  • Numbers, decimal fractions and power

Applied Mathematics

  • Profit and Loss
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Time, Speed and Distance
  • Inverse

Engineering Mathematics

  • Logarithms
  • Permutation and Combinations
  • Probability

Logical Ability Test

  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Coding deductive logic
  • Data Sufficiency, Directional Sense, Logical Word Sequence
  • Objective Reasoning
  • Selection decision tables
  • Puzzles

Inductive reasoning

  • Coding pattern and Number series pattern recognition
  • Analogy and Classification pattern recognition

Abductive Reasoning

  • Logical word sequence
  • Data sufficiency


  • Group discussion
  • Resume Writing
  • HR Interview
  • Vocabulary
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Contextual Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Error Identification
  • Sentence Improvement and Construction
  • Comprehension
  • Reading Comprehension

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