Tally ERP 9 Training by Zuan Education Training Institute in Chennai
Tally ERP 9 Training free videos and free material uploaded by Zuan Education staff .
Session-1: Basics of Accounting
Seesion-2: Types of Accounting in Tally
Session-3: Process of Accounting
Session-4: Accounting Transactions
Session-5: Manual Accounting
Session-6: Trading Account
Session-7: Reports
Session-8: Tally ERP 9 Overview
Session-9: Tally.net & Remote Capablities
Session-10: Accounting Masters in Tally ERP9
Session-11: Bank Reconcilation Statement
Session-12: Cost Center & Cost Category
Session-13: Interest Calculation
Session-14: Budgets
Session-15: Multicurrency
Session-16: Bill Wise Details
Session-17: Inventory Introduction
Session-18: Actual & Billed Quantity
Session-19: Price List
Session-20: bill of material
Session-21: batch wise details
Session-22: Point of Sales [pos]
Session-23: Value Added Tax [vat]
Session-24: Tax Deducted Source [tds]
Session-25: Service Tax
Session-26: Tax Collected Source [tcs]
Session-27: Payroll
Session-28: Backup & Restore
Session-29: Spliting of Company Data
Session-30: Security
Session-31: Odbc in Tally ERP9
Session-32: Export & Import
Session-33: Printing
Take your accounting career forward with Tally ERP 9 Course. Zuan Education is the top Tally institute in Chennai offering Tally Course at the lowest course fees with business-focused, up-to-date syllabus and practical training.The main aim of this Tally Course is to equip students, accountants, businessmen and other professionals with advanced Tally ERP 9 skills. It includes tally basics, financial accounting, inventory system, taxation, GST and more. There is a huge demand for professionals equipped with Tally accounting software skills to serve small and medium industry sectors. Zuan Education is one of the best Tally training centers offering real time job placement training for the benefit of your career. So, join our Tally training today and get certified to become a professional Tally Accountant.
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