Unix Linux

Naresh it technologies provide Unix Linux online training & coaching

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Naresh it staff Last updated Sun, 06-Jun-2021 English

Unix Linux free videos and free material uploaded by Naresh it staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Unix Training Content

  • Introduction to UNIX/LINUX
  • History of UNIX/LINUX
  • Features and Benefits of UNIX/LINUX
  • Different flavors of UNIX/LINUX
  • Difference between UNIX, DOS, Windows and LINUX
  • Architecture of UNIX

UNIX File System Architecture

  • Boot Block
  • Super Block
  • Inode Block
  • Data Block
  • File System of UNIX
  • Ordinary Files
  • Directory Files
  • Device Files
  • The Structure of UNIX File system

Different UNIX Commands

  • pwd, who, whoami
  • exit, date, cal, exit, banner


  • Hard Link
  • Soft link or Symbolic Link
  • Unlink

Complex Filters

  • tr, comm., tee, sed, nl

Working with Files

  • cat, touch, rm
  • cp, mv, ln, wc

Working with Directories

  • mkdir, cd, rmdir, rm

Displaying Files

  • ls, ls with options

Simple Filters

  • pg, more, less, head, tail, paste, cut, sort

Zip Files

  • gzip, gunzip, zcat, compress
  • Uncompress, pack, unpack and Pcat

Printing Files

  • lp, cancel

Finding Files

  • find, locate etc.,

Input and Output Redirection

  • Redirecting Output
  • Redirecting Input
  • Standard error

Shell Meta Characters

  • File substitution
  • I/O redirection
  • Process Execution
  • Quoting meta characters
  • Positional parameters
  • Special Parameters

More Filters

  • grep, grep with options
  • fgrep, egrep

Regular Expressions and Patterns

  • What is Pattern?
  • Usage of regular expression
  • Different types of patterns

How C programs are useful for solving problems in UNIX

UNIX Commands

  • Uniq
  • Diff
  • cmp

Backup Utilities

  • tar, cpio


  • Usage of piping
  • Piping with filters

File Permissions

  • chmod, chown, chgrp, umask

Communication Commands

  • write, wall, mail, mail with options

Networking commands

  • telnet, ftp, rlogin, finger, etc..

Disk Utilities

  • df, du, mount, unmount

Job Control

  • Foreground jobs
  • Background jobs
  • Killing jobs
  • Nohup

Prcoess Status

  • Ps
  • Kill
  • Pkill

Job scheduling

  • At
  • Crontab
  • Batch

ed, ex and vi editors

  • Command mode
  • Insert mode
  • Ex command mode

Shell Scripting

  • What is shell scripting?
  • Importance of shell scripting
  • Different types of shells
  • Creating Shell script
  • Making shell script executable

Shell Input and Output

  • echo, print, read

Backslash character constants aliases and History concept variables

  • What is a variable?
  • System defined variables
  • Environment Variables
  • User defined variables
  • Constant variables
  • Local and Global variables
  • Special Variables
  • Comments


  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Relational ASCII operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators

Flow Control Structure

  • If, if….else
  • If… elif
  • Case


  • while, until, for, break, continue

Formatted I/O

Namespaces in UNIX
Introduction to Message Queues
Introduction to Different Types of System Calls
Programming Aspects of Berkeley Sockets & Reserved Ports
UNIX Domain Protocol 
Socket Addresses

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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We offer thorough Linux and UNIX Training, you will gain skills to manage data, execute commands and customize your LINUX and UNIX programming environment. In this training, the student will get a clear technical idea about Unix. We are providing-depth training in Unix Environment. It is very useful for oracle Developers, C, C++ Java Programmers, Test Engineers, SAS developers and every software engineer.

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