All about Waste water Management Videos, PPTs, lecture notes, assignments, question papers
Waste water Management free videos and free material uploaded by Nagaraju Thatha .
Learning Objectives:
• Outline planning and the design of waste water collection ,conveyance and treatment systems for a community/town/city
• Provide knowledge of characterization of waste water generated in a community
• Impart understanding of treatment of sewage and the need for its treatment
• Summarize the appurtenance in sewage systems and their necessity
• Teach planning and design of septic tank and imhoff tank and the disposal of the effluent from these low cost treatment systems
• Effluent disposal method and realize the importance of regulations in the disposal of effluents in rivers
Introduction to Sanitation-Systems of sanitation- relative merits and demerits - collection and conveyance of waste water - classification of sewerage systems-Estimation of sewage flow and storm water drainage- fluctuations-types of sewers- Hydraulics of sewers and storm drains-design of sewers- appurtenances in sewerage- cleaning and ventilation of sewers
Pumping of wastewater: Pumping stations-location- components- types of pumps and their suitability with regard to wastewaters. House Plumbing: Systems of plumbing-sanitary fittings and other accessories-one pipe and two pipe systems-Design of building drainage
Sewage characteristics-Sampling and analysis of waste water-Physical, chemical and Biological examination-measurement of BOD & COD- BOD equations Treatment of sewage: Primary treatment- Screens-grit chambers- grease traps- floatation-sedimentation-design of preliminary and primary treatment units.
Secondary treatment: Aerobic and anaerobic treatment process -comparison. Suspended growth process: Activated sludge process, principles, design and operational problems, modifications of Activated sludge processes, Oxidation ponds, Aerated Lagoons. Attached Growth process: Trickling Filters-mechanism of impurities removal-classification-design -operation and maintenance problems. RBCs. Fluidized bed reactors
Miscellaneous Treatment Methods: Nitrification and Denitrification- Removal of phosphates- UASB- Membrane reactors- Integrated fixed film reactors. Anaerobic Processes: Septic Tanks, Imhoff tanks- working principles and Design-disposal of septic tank effluent-FAB Reactors
Bio-solids (sludge) management: Characteristics- handling and treatment of sludge-thickening-anaerobic digestion of sludge Disposal of sewage: Methods of disposal- disposal into water bodies- Oxygen sag Curve- Disposal into sea-disposal on land- sewage sickness
By the end of successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Plan and design the sewerage systems
• Characterization of sewage
• Select the appropriate appurtenances in the sewerage systems
• Select the suitable treatment flow for sewage treatment
• Identify the critical point of pollution in a river for a specific amount of pollutant disposal into the river
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